Yes NLP is Neuro Linguistic Programming.
It is wonderful that we represent different cultures and languages.
As long as we are prepared to say "what did you mean?" or "did you mean?" we can always get understood.
I will try to define forgiveness in terms of NLP.
Forgiveness is a nescessary part of moving on. It is an important solution to what we, within NLP would call, a negative emotion of HATE or VENGEANCE, GUILT, SHAME or ANGER etc.
The negative emotions cause, not only depressions, fears and sorrow but can have a direct impact upon our physical health, we therefore need to remove these.
We would have several tools at our disposal, we might, for example, listen to a client describing their negative emotion and then use language to change the way in which they perceive the emotion, we would check at each point and make adjustments to the way in which they spoke to themselves. My personal choice would be Time-Line Therapy, a technique developed by Tad James in the US where the client is taken back to the event in their mind that caused a need to forgive and they would then deal with the event and be returned to now. This is a very interesting technique but requires much more explanation.
I am so lucky in that I find forgiveness very natural and I consider this a gift. I have had to learn why others find it so hard. I have told details of how I feel about this on forums before.
Does this help Lydia.