Hi Branka!
We were all much more brilliant a long time ago, the kids were, too!
When my son was 3 or 4, we would take walks together and he had all the car logo's memorized, he could look at the little symbol on the back or front hood and say what kind of car it was. NOW he can't figure out how to post images without my help, today he was very annoyed that I made him visit forums, he said he'd rather copy & paste ads for a half hour at Yahoo groups. Fine with me, doing THAT gives me a migraine headache and eye pain!
The formerly 4-yr old wiz (now 19) recently got fired from a pizza shop for making mistakes on the computer there. Well, some people are just too brilliant for working with pizza orders, I guess! I got fired from donuts when I was 19. Maybe it's God's plan that we fail at crummy jobs and then grow up to rule the world? Or just memorize cars at age 4 and forget it all later?!
Anyway, I'm glad he doesn't say anything too strange in forums, when he does post. I've never seen Luka say anything bad about you! If he does, send him out to memorize car symbols and regain the smarts of a 4 year old! HA!