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Re: It's Time to Congratulate SARA BLOW: The 176th POTW!!
2/24/2009 3:23:00 PM

Thanks, Bill!

I was wondering where you were, hope you're feeling better!!


Re: It's Time to Congratulate SARA BLOW: The 176th POTW!!
2/24/2009 7:16:46 PM

Never too late for good friends, Billdaddy.  Thank you so much for stopping by and posting.  You know you are a favorite friend.  So glad to see you back.

Blessings and Hugs,


Luka Babic

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Re: It's Time to Congratulate SARA BLOW: The 176th POTW!!
2/25/2009 4:10:41 PM

Dearest Sara,

Popped in to grab the scents of all those flowers, and some breath of love shared here.

It was a busy day for me. Midnight doesn`t hesitate to sit at her throne, what means .... my cell phone should ringringringring countless time before I accept to rise up.

Kiss the hand dear Queen!

Nick Grimshawe

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Re: It's Time to Congratulate SARA BLOW: The 176th POTW!!
2/26/2009 2:12:50 AM
Hi Sara,

I am so happy to see your name up in lights. You certainly deserve this award for all that you do at ALP. Many of us have been featured in your forums, and have been helped by your kindness of spirit.

Enjoy the week as Queen of the roost.

Nick Grimshawe Subscribe for Free at
Re: It's Time to Congratulate SARA BLOW: The 176th POTW!!
2/26/2009 8:28:27 AM

Thank you Luka, my favorite Ninja Turtle, for stopping back by.  Yes, I have enjoyed the scents of flowers, driving that red Corvette, playing with frogs and sharing praises from my wonderful friends.  I love the kitty and someone is tickling his ear!!

How are you doing without Mama's supervision??!!  Tell her we miss her and send hugs.

(for a little fun, click on above)

Turtle Hugs,



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