Thanks for posts, pictures and movie!
((youtube id="1JynBEX_kg8"))((/youtube))
Lydia, somehow I missed this one. What a great way to display kindness. Thank you for what you are doing here.
and welcome to Ligvo Club!
Congratulations with POTW!
As I see, You like Butterfly.
Look here:
((youtube id="_5QNCrX_MT8"))((/youtube))
Best wishes from Russia, Lydia
Nice old Russian carton
((youtube id="VorfmRHECQk&feature"))((/youtube))
Greetings from Russia, Lydia
Nominations/Election WEEK Ending March 3rd for the 178th POTW:
Hello, my nominations this week:
Ana Maria Padurean
Stephen Hauser
Dimitra Bravou
Gabrielle Brothers
Nick Sym
Robert de Merode
Laila Falck
Best wishes to all, Lydia