The following decision of yours, is a very good and welcome message to many, who will come up now to support/nominate/encourage/cooperate/HELP happily hereafterwards with full faith and strength in building up the real friendship in THE GLOBAL LOVE. FULL CREDIT GOES TO EVERYONE PARTICIPATING IN THE DECISION MAKING, NOMINATING, SELF AS WELL AS OTHERS, EXCELLENCE IN VOTING, WITHOUT FAIL ETC..,, WISH YOU ALL THE BEST OF LUCK...MAY GOD BLESS ALL!!!!
Thanking you
Yours Sincerely with Love
Rajaram S.K.
*****Hello everyone!
Here is an announcement !! Please read and pass it on to your friends too ! 
If you are a BFA winner already, and if you have added new topic or content to your forum that won, and if its active you then qualify to participate in the Best Forum Award from May 2009 onwards !! Yes you read correctly, you can come back again and nominate your forum or a friends forum to win again. So get moving and dress up your forum to gain maximum judging points from our judges, and keep it as active as possible we will be looking !!!!!!!!!!
Have fun friends and see you back in May !!
Oh and yes THANK YOU for all the votes so far, awesome are you all in your support for your friends. THANK YOU AGAIN!
Hugs n blessings
The BFA Team