www.allxclubpay.com (Official launch is March 2nd - although site says Feb.2009)
A little background info. of how I found this opportunity: There is an area of homes (SW Ranches), where all the homes are on acreage ($200,000 per acre), and MANY of the homes are OVER 8,000 Sq. Ft. (some MUCH bigger). In other words they range from 1.5 million to 10 million. Being involved with horses (and this area is a big horse community), I asked around as to what many of the homeowners do for a living to afford these fabulous mansions...... I was surprised to find A BIG portion make their money from adult businesses, (merchant numbers for adult websites), (printing for adult mags), (strip club owner), (adult website marketer), (phone sex provider), etc. and some are involved with various network marketing plans. So when I was told about this startup by one of the Founders friends - I immediately signed up, (and have since found out that many of those "big house" owners have too. Some details follow:
Since this recently pre-launched, there are only about 5000 members, .........the company goal is 148 million members within the next 5 years. Content so far is provided by Playboy, Hustler, ClubJenna, and Vivid, and more....
I am unaware of ANY opportunity out there with this much growth potential.
Want to make money -ON- the adult industry...
without being -IN- the adult industry?If you said -YES-, click here:
http://www.allxclubpay.comIf you said -NO-, here are a few things to consider:
* The adult industry is $100 Billion per year.
* 1 out of every 7 clicks on the internet are to adult sites
* 40% of all internet users around the world visited an adult site last month
* Totally confidential ...totally legitimate ...totally turn-key ...totally unique
* The ‘adult industry’ is larger than the combined revenues of:
Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo!, Netflix and Apple.
Global Revenues Exceeding $100 BILLION!
* Adult entertainment revenues contribute to the profits of many
major corporations including: AT&T, Visa/Mastercard, Bank of America, Sheraton, Marriott…and many more. Shouldn’t it contribute to your bottom line!
* "About 40 percent of Internet users in the U.S. visit adult sites each month”. (ComScore Media Metrix)
* When Donald Trump was on the David Letterman show in 1998, he was asked what he would do if he lost everything and had to start over again.
Trump said he would find a good network marketing company and get to work.
* Warren Buffet has now surpassed Bill Gates as The World’s Richest Man.
Now, if the richest man in the world is putting over a billion dollars into an MLM business model and says it’s “an absolutely wonderful business”, then that’s proof that it’s a business model that works.
March 2nd, 2009 is the Official Launch Date to 58 countries simultaneously. The goal is to sign up more members on that date than any network marketing company has in history.
This is YOUR opportunity to get in before those thousands of new members.
So, do you want to make money -ON- the adult industry without being -IN- the adult industry?
http://www.allxclubpay.comPS. There are more tours with More info. - the above links go to a simple tour version. If you have any questions let me know.
<a href="http://www.allxclubpro.com/1875001/"><img src="http://www.allxclubpro.com/images/banners/sideline_120x600.gif" alt="AllXClub: The Hottest New MLM" width="120" height="600" border="0" /></a>