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2/17/2009 11:51:23 AM
Greetings Sheryl, i have a little time today, anything you may want to know about the Internet and its progress i sure would gladly tell about it. The focus on today's market includes having a list, or a downline so it would be in your est interest to have a twitter account, its another form of traffic without having to surf lol and so theres a program that allows you to create a whole list of friends, via marketing business people who either follow you or want to follow you? i have a list of 80 followers working online who joined me about 3 months ago, it continues to grow from there lists of marketers, eventually one morning in your email account you will be surprised with how many want to follow you lol, plus now theres a viral twitter account where 5 at a time sign up on the same account as you so now your in there list and vice versa. Its just a simple technique to get something happening for you and for me i can either get involved with my marketing friends for that day by replying to them through direct contact of just by seeing what is is being said on your twitter account. Unfortunetly the text is limited text is the only downside to it but never the less its a good way to learn what people are into, staying one step ahead of the game is how you get what you want out of it.  Send me a PM if you want my link or you can go to my forums? Have a great day Cheryl God_bless you. Bizzy Thomas :)
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2/17/2009 1:07:50 PM
Hi Cheryl!

Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm about the internet with all of us.  I to am glad that it does not discriminate.  It allows some of us beginners to call ourselves experts and do what we do.  It is friendly and yes it can be abusive and abused.  It can save you time and it can hook you and keep you from other things that you need to do.

I purchased my first computer about 10 years ago thinking it would help me be more efficient with all that I had to do.  What I found was that it was much more fun to sit at the computer than it was to mow the lawn or vacuum the floor.  I found the house was not as clean, or at least not as often cleaned as it was before the computer.  We did not entertain as much as we used to because the house was not clean.  Just one more game, or get a higher score, set a new record. 

Computers and technology has changed rapidly over the last few years and I have kept up as best I can.  My last computer had very few games on it and I seemed to get a lot more done, on the Internet that is.  I do see it as a wonderful attracting tool that helps us do so much more than we could ever possibly do as individuals.  The social networking, the list building, and downline building possibilities far exceed the hotel meetings, the group in home and one on one meetings.  Meetings on line can save time and the expense of traveling and can produce amazing results.

Just a few things to keep in mind: 

There will be a lot of great opportunities that come along.  Don't try to do them all. 

There is no one way to do anything. 

Don't wait until you know everything there is to know before you start, or you will never get started. 

There is a lot of free stuff out there and a lot of it is good, but don't limit yourself to just the free stuff.  Almost everything of great value has levels of participation.  The best values are without exception at the upgraded levels.
Surround yourself with successful people.  Watch what they do.  do what they do.  Help others to do what you do. 

It is not so much what you do in this business that is going to make you successful.  It is what the people you get in your downline do. 

Build your list of friends.  Don't lead with your opportunity or products.  Get to know people and find out what they need want and don't want.  You will be in a better place to help them or they will come to you for help rather than you trying to tell them that you have the greatest thing that they should have.

If you have a great opportunity share it with your friends and those on your list but also make use of the viral nature of the Internet.  

Feel free to post your opportunities or great deals over in the Deal of the Day Forum.

Thanks again for starting this discussion Cheryl.  I look forward to seeing what others have to say.

Ken Wolff
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
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2/17/2009 11:03:23 PM

Thanks Thomas,

I appreciate the info. Yes, if you want to send me your link that's fine or I will check out your posts in one of your forums.  Either way...I am learning many things that I am currently implemeting & I know that nothing happens overnight...but I am already seeing that the tools I'm using and learning more about are going to be very helpful in building my busnesses online.

 Feel free to contact me anytime or post your thoughts & ideas that will be helpful to anyone here at Adland. 

Take care,

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Flag of Cheryl Baxter

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2/17/2009 11:16:29 PM

Hi There Ken,

Thanks for your insights about the Internet.  I think you have some great points that you've made here.  Getting to know people & finding out about what they want & don't want is really really important. 

One of the things that drives me crazy is for someone to email me here at Adland & they've never introduced themselves or invited me to be on their friends list, but you open up the email & it blasts you with their opportunity...& they still never invite you to be on their friends list. 

It's interesting that so many people do this, but it's a matter of proper etiquette to me.  Anyway, I appreciate you introducing yourself to me on my other forum & for sending me an invitation to be friends...this means I am much more likely to listen to what you have to say & will be interested in what you are doing.

Feel free to email me or call me.  I have left my contact number in the email that I sent in response to your invite.

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
2/18/2009 9:28:58 AM

Hi Cheryl.

Great piece. The Internet is as good as we make it.

Just as a program is as good as the programmer makes it.

It is certainly true that the Internet does not discriminate

we just have to get on there and make it work for us.

Bless you 


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