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Donna Zuehl

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Fibromyalgia Can Interfere With Your Daily Life
2/12/2009 11:34:16 PM

Reclaim Your Life

Fibromyalgia can interfere with your daily life.

In addition to chronic pain, fibromyalgia can cause anxiety, fatigue, even depression, making it hard to do the things you like to do. To reclaim your life, talk to your doctor about medications and lifestyle changes that can help ease your fibromyalgia symptoms.

Pain from fibromyalgia is chronic and widespread. You may hurt all over -- from painful tender points, deep muscle pain, headaches, unending back pain or neck pain, or other muscle aches. The chronic pain of fibromyalgia also disturbs sleep, causing you to awaken frequently. Without good sleep, you may have increased achiness, morning stiffness, and daytime fatigue. In addition, about 30% of patients with fibromyalgia have major depression at the time of diagnosis.

While fibromyalgia is a chronic condition, by working with your doctor you can get relief of fibromyalgia symptoms and reclaim your active life.

Nick Sym

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Re: Fibromyalgia Can Interfere With Your Daily Life
2/13/2009 12:43:47 AM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Leonie Parker

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Re: Fibromyalgia Can Interfere With Your Daily Life
2/13/2009 1:09:20 AM

Hi Donna,

I have never been diagnosed with FMS (my doctor doesn't believe it exists as a syndrome so he says), so I cannot reclaim my life by working with him. I stay with him because he is my family doctor and there aren't too many here who are in agreement with alternatives. But those symptoms sure sound like my life.
So I keep researching myself and ...

I have found something here in Australia that is supposed to help with FMS and many other things i.e. slow release energy, sleep, detoxification, Anti-aging, Weight loss, boosts the Immune system assisting the body to rejuvenate and regenerate itself. Sounds great, so I am trying it.

If I have any good results I will let you know.

Keep sending anything else you find, thank you.



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Re: Fibromyalgia Can Interfere With Your Daily Life
2/13/2009 9:02:28 AM
Hi Donna and thanks for the info.  I was to my new Dr. yesterday and he is quite nice.  He is concerned with my lack of sleep and even wanted me to go to a sleep clinic which I declined.  I find that I feel good as long as I don't do a lot of heavy exercises or too much heavy work.  Of course, that is not as easy for younger people. 
Have a good day.
Shirley Manion
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Muriel Holladay

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There is help out there
2/13/2009 2:48:40 PM

Hi just reminding everyone with fibromyalgia that many people have been helped by boosting their glutathione levels.

Immunocal has changed many lives for the better. Here  is a testimonial from a person who has experienced its benefits!

Henry C. shares a personal experience:

"I suffered from eczema for several years, during which neither conventional nor alternative methods helped. I was given cortisone ointments by allopathic and herbal preparations by Chinese doctors. The symptoms improved somewhat but the disease persisted. After about seven months into taking Immunocal, the eczema cleared up completely. Prior to that I also had to watch what I ate carefully. For example, shell fish and vegetables of the nightshade family would cause the eczema to flare up. I now enjoy all of these and other previously restricted foods freely.

I had fibromyalgia starting in 1992. The pain was so intense that both of my arms were almost immobilized. Again nothing from western or Orinental medicine helped. I took a product consisting of noni juice from Tahiti. I was 75% healed when I began to take Immunocal. Within six months I was 95% healed. I was at a plateau for the next two years.
About a year ago, I started to take a product called Juice Plus+. Now I no longer have any pain. Although I cannot say that any one of these three products or the combination of them did the total healing, I can say that IMMUNOCAL certainly made a big contribution to the healing process. The cause of my fibromyalgia is believed to be a result of the so called Gulf War syndrome. I was in Kuwait as an oil fire consultant a week after the war. There are other more general benefits such as not getting colds or flu and reduced allergy sensitivities.
"On the fourth day of taking Immunocal, I remember thinking that I felt no different , but at 8:30 that night I got out of my car like I was twenty one, full of energy. It was an incredible feeling especially considering the fact that I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome due to my rheumatoid arthritis. On day seven my hands looked and felt normal. They had looked like lobster claws, red, swollen, and painful. I must have looked at my hands every ten minutes for the next week with a big smile. Amazing!!
What happened about three weeks ago , six months after I started taking Immunocal, inspired me to tell my story. My psoriasis started to disappear, after thirty-six years. I had tried everything I could think of, even the doctors told me nothing would ever work, I still tried. The only thing they could recommend was a $65.00 tube of cream about three inches long that had no effect at all. It's fun to watch my immune system kicking butt!! I am fifty-seven, and feel like a young man again!
PS. The Magistral works also. Eight days after I started using the products my nightly trips to the bathroom stopp


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