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Nick Sym

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Re: Judas Asparagus
2/13/2009 11:37:31 AM
Dear Sister
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for these E-Mails that you pass on to me. I might add some pictures and such but these are from you and you should get credit for the effort. I and all other brothers and sisters here at Adland thank you for your contribution - God Bless !

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Kim Stilwell

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Re: Judas Asparagus
2/13/2009 11:53:37 AM

My 6 yr old son, after us reading about the crucifixtion with pictures said to his Dad....."those were mean and bad men who killed God's Son!"  Such is a innocent that they "literally" believe without question or confusion....This young boy "believes" literally that Jesus is coming back and only wants to know if he can take certain things with him.

Out of the mouth of babes....It's a child we are said to need to become in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  Little children hear and see and know with literal clarity what us adults cannot see or hear.....that's why a man needs to become as a child. 


Jean Marie

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Re: Judas Asparagus
2/13/2009 3:44:38 PM

Hey Nick-

Aren't kids just the greatest of all!  Here's another one by kids that I like:

JeanMarie "May you live today from what you learned yesterday to achieve a better tomorrow"
Re: Judas Asparagus
2/13/2009 3:54:48 PM

Thank you, this has been in email before but you have done a wonderful job with presenting it.  Thanks to Gaby for sending it to you.  Children hear things we don't so it is wise to be careful what we say otherwise who knows how it will sound when they repeat it!!


