Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World
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Hi Nick,
Christians always assume that an atheist who is facing
death will suddenly become a beleiver! Thus the quote:
"There are no atheists in foxholes!"
However, there are atheists who are fighting for America
over in Iraq and Afghanistan right now.
What I've observed is the trials and tribulations of life
can make a person become an atheist... but if you need
to talk to a clear thinking, logical, empirically grounded
person... talk to your friend who happens to be an atheist!
(if you have a friend who is one!)
I prefer thinking of God as female the way God was before
the sex change occurred that made the God of the Bible
and Western Culture one of power and even the God of Love
that Jesus teaches is for a male dominated culture... even though
Christ had women disciples... who knows this?
For the Goddess so loved the World
That She gave her only begotten daughter
That whosoever should love
Shall not perish...
The Mother
The Daughter
and the holy ghost
Mother Nature
Mother Earth
The Mother Ship!Vietnam UFO .. The 2008 Roswell Crash
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