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Trina Sonnenberg

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I am Grateful to Be Alive Today
2/4/2009 8:46:31 AM
I am grateful to be alive!

Yesterday I was involved in a car accident.

My mother and I were returning from our monthly grocery shopping in Grand Junction (110 miles from home), when I hit a patch of ice that sent us head first into a house sized boulder. If the rock hadn't stopped us, I would have been able to navigate back to the road.

I am grateful that neither of us were seriously hurt.

I am grateful for all of the people who stopped to help or get help. They drove for miles to get to a place where they could call for help, being that there is no cell service or even CB reception in the canyon.

I am grateful that my son stayed home to go to school, rather than making the trip with us.

I am grateful for the deputy that stayed with us until the tow truck came for the car. He drove us home later.

I am grateful for the tow truck driver who, before taking my car to the salvage yard, brought it by my house so that we could retrieve the groceries I had bought that day.

I am grateful for my insurance company, who will take care of everything except the first $500.00.

I am grateful for seatbelts. The air bags didn't work. They stayed in their hiding place.
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Geketa Holman

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Re: I am Grateful to Be Alive Today
2/4/2009 11:08:50 AM
Hi Trina,

You do have much to be grateful for. I am very glad you and your mom are ok.



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Re: I am Grateful to Be Alive Today
2/4/2009 11:40:07 AM
God performs miracles all of the time but rarely gets the credit. Glad you made it in good condition Trina. There are thousands of people every year who don't. I'd check with experts about those airbags though. It may be a malfunction in their production line for which a recall may be necessary to save more lives later. The airbags should have deployed. Why not? Don't sound right to me and I am an old mechanic from way back. Your insurance company would be able to put pressure on all the right buttons to get that done. Blessings to you and yours. Forrest.
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: I am Grateful to Be Alive Today
2/4/2009 12:09:54 PM
Hi Trina!

I am glad to hear that you and your mother, and your family are safe and I grateful to hear that you tell us your feelings and eucharists. I am sure both you and your mother are pure minded people and our Creator watched over you both.

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Barbara Delgiudice

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Re: I am Grateful to Be Alive Today
2/4/2009 2:20:21 PM
Hi Trina I am so thankful that you and you Mom are ok!

God Bless you and protect you and your family.

Big Hugs.

Barb :)
