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Neil Sperling

1645 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Step 3 - feed your business with easy low cost programs
1/31/2009 3:00:17 PM

Here is a prefect step 3 business.. to understand the four steps read the next post


Seed Your Business growth with CASH in 2009 Here!
Get an Instant 10 bucks for each referral.
Promote this neat tool to your group and
.......Get an Instant $10.......
For each Referral

 10 bucks for each referral

This tool helps anyone's business promotion

Hurry Here!

"Man must cease attributing his problems to his environment, and learn again to exercise his will, his personal responsibility." -- Albert Schweitzer, Humanitarian

Love - Light - Laughter

Neil Sperling

1645 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Step 3 - feed your business with easy low cost programs
1/31/2009 3:01:39 PM


Are You Ready For
Step FOUR?

Step 1 - Build a list.

Step 2 - Network with others as well as advertise.

Step 3 - You've started making a "tiny" cash flow with a Free or inexpensive program and you are now re-investing your earnings into your business.
(maybe you work a few programs like this)

Step 4 - Start making Real Money.... if you are not earning serious money yet.......
read on!

Below is a "slightly" expanded version of each step - with an introduction to Step 4.

        Step 1 -  is the basics of any MLM or Online networking business. Without a list you are doomed for failure. Adding contacts basics, are done by adding friends manually in a social network community such as MySpace, FaceBook or many others, ( I like Adland!) safe lists, opt-in auto-responder systems or the many other list building programs or tools.

        Step 2 - Contact your list using auto-responders, participate in Online forums and blogs. Using the many available resources for advertising begin to promote a program and you now have started earning a tiny income..... of course you are smart enough to re-invest ALL of it into your growing business. ( I use these marketing tools with success)

       Step 3 - You've started making a "tiny" cash flow with a Free or inexpensive program and you are now re-investing your earnings into your business.
(maybe you work a few programs like this)
I like this one!
Elixir  Safelist: A High Tech Safelist with a Twist, Fully Loaded with Advanced  Features and a 5 Tier Affiliate Program with Huge Earning Potential.  Click here now!

Great Safe list - Earn an INSTANT $10
for each Elixir Referral too boot!
Add only one new member a month and you'll
earn enough to upgrade in a TE.
Smart eh?

    Folks if you are only earning tid bits and NOT earning a living - it is because you are not re-investing back into your business, plus you have not yet taken the leap up to Step 4.

        Step 4 - Get into a program that costs a little more to join, with a product that "FITS" the Market place today... with unlimited residual income
Center potential
and above all

Find a product or company that has
NO Competition.

The program I have chosen fits ALL the criteria of Step 4 and then some.

It is Fantastic!

If you are now ready for Step 4

I invite you to check out my program


Please - Do NOT look at this program if you have not
already built your business through steps 1- 3!

Love - Light - Laughter!

Good Article --->>>  Excel in a Bad Economy  <<<--- Worth a read!
Don't Panic about the economy - read the article!

Neil Sperling

1645 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
Re: Step 3 - feed your business with easy low cost programs
2/1/2009 4:35:09 PM
Neil Sperling

1645 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
Re: Step 3 - feed your business with easy low cost programs
2/8/2009 1:07:26 PM
This 4 step program works.

Neil Sperling

1645 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
Re: Step 3 - feed your business with easy low cost programs
5/20/2009 9:01:38 PM
