Hi Robert.
To your concern is what I reply to you. OK. When are you serious? I thought you wanted to meet me in my Zeus and pagan forum threads. Maybe my opinion of this kind counts more! You said yourself for having fun you want to see me in my pagan forums. As for the Israel - Palestine regimes I have my ideals and those are not easy to change with any Jesus or Catholic attitudes when Church is blessing wars against defenceless people. My Jesus is better. He says don't ever start a fight and He says defend yourself when you are attacked.
Do you know how many Palestinians are Christians. Do they also make shields of their children? Then their Jesus and God must be very wrong. Or is it hide somewhere best you can when the bombs come above your head? Are those camps in Lebanon and in Gaza Hamaz camps? Why aren't any UN people killed then?
Your country, though a NATO country, it is one of those that sell weapons to the Arabs and to Palestinians. Why? Is it to let them defend their country or is it to have work opportunities in your country to serve your national economy and to add some dirty dollars in your countries finances? Could you tell me the income in your BNP from your weapon industry?
Your country officially supports Israel but they sell the weapons to their antagonists. If that is not hypocrisy then I don't know the meaning of this word.
Happy Week End Georgios