Wow, Steve! I haven't seen this thread for the longest time (sounds like a Billy Joel song!) The write-in election was dynamic, it brought in a random and always popular winner every week. Eventually I had a list of around 75 members who all had active forums, first & last names & photos, and just asked Nominators (voters) to copy & paste 7 of those names as their voting list. Then the name who was in most lists was the winner. It was sort of like lottery balls bouncing up the air chute, if you can imagine something like that, with names instead of numbers :) Thomas & many others helped promote it for the year of 2009, there was a core of voters, thanks everyone! Here's a poem I wrote recently, not for you (haha don't ya luv when people show you something nice & say it's for the general public? ;) For my good friends, the general public, you'll know this is to a friend, because it mentions my favorite subject...stupid people...just joking maybe: Wish there were new words I could say/write just to you... all the really good words have already been said/written by everyone to everyone, all words have already been used a billion times by stupid people to other stupid people :) I need to create sparkling special things
just to say from me to you.