What a beautiful country NZ is.
Here's a strange story.
I have a friend (30 years ago he was my closest friend).
I was just browsing a couple of days ago when I noticed on Google NEW Maps.
I clicked on the link and looked at my house on satelite, I then looked at a few places in Russia and Holland and then thought " I will put in my friend's address in N.Z." When I reached his area of the City I found a street camera.
I discovered that I was within six streets of his street. I followed the arrows and looked at the street views (you can stop, pan, look up and down) amazing.
By following the map and the camera I found myself outside of his neighbours house. I sent him an email and he was able to tell me which was his garage and where to find his house. It's amazing because I now, not only know what his house looks like, but now I know what the area looks like.