This is a story of a father who kept a jug of whiskey hidden in the corn crib.
It was his habit to go out there every morning and get himself a drink.
On a snowy morning he went out to the barn as was his habit, but this time he heard someone behind him.
He turned around and found that it was his little son following him, stepping in the footsteps in the snow where his father had walked.
The father asked, "What are you doing, son?"
The boy answered, "I'm following in your footsteps."
He sent the boy back into the house, and then he went out to the corn crib and smashed that jug of whiskey.
He realized that he didn't want his boy to be following in his footsteps.
Someone in your home is following in your footsteps.
Where are you leading him?
Reference: The Monthly Ministry Report of Thru The Bible Radio Network, February 2009, by Dr. J Vernon McGee.