Top Ten Reasons To Go To Work Naked...1. Your boss is always yelling, "I wanna see your ass in here by 8:00!"2. Can take advantage of computer monitor radiation to work on your tan.3. "I'd love to chip in, but I left my wallet in my pants."4. To stop those creepy guys in Marketing from looking down your blouse.5. You want to see if it's like the dream.6. So that with a little help from Muzak you can add "Exotic Dancer" to your exaggerated resume.7. People stop stealing your pens after they've seen where you keep them.8. Diverts attention from the fact that you also came to work drunk.9. Gives "bad hair day" a whole new meaning.10. No one steals your chair.
From...Lots of Jokes
Thanks for the laugh,
I agree, always good to start the day with a good laugh. Never thought about this before, but hey, worth a try, and see if productivity increases. lol
Regards, Mike
Hello Sheri,
What a hoot!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!
Hillarious, Sherry!!
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