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Donna Zuehl

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Re: Another Short Fibromayalgia Article From the Healthy Back Institute
1/26/2009 9:32:05 PM
Hi Awesome Brother Nick!!!
Donna Zuehl

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Re: Another Short Fibromayalgia Article From the Healthy Back Institute
1/26/2009 9:33:19 PM
Hi Florence,
It is nice to have you back. I am glad you like the articles. There aren't too many new articles on fibromyalgia but occasionally I find one.
Leonie Parker

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Re: Another Short Fibromayalgia Article From the Healthy Back Institute
1/27/2009 4:04:56 PM

Hi Donna,

THe following is an article on Fibromyalgia that I have started to try out. It makes sense to me. I bought the book and am trying to stick to its advice:

The real story on fibromyalgia     


Hi Leonie


Let's play a little "imagine game" for a moment.


Imagine every morning you wake up and hurt from head to toe.


Various areas of your body are extremely sensitive and tender to the touch.  Even slight movement causes excruciating, debilitating pain.


Getting a hug, sneezing or going over a bump in a car makes you see stars.


Plus you have trouble sleeping, fatigue, swollen glands, stress, anxiety and irritability.


AND you might even have a doctor that tells you that all of your symptoms are in your head and sends you off with an anti-depressant.


Welcome to the world of fibromyalgia.


Fibromyalgia affects nearly 6 million Americans.  Even though most people have heard of it, it remains this vague condition that isn't easily understood.


To explain fibromyalgia, I'll give a very brief biology



"Fibro" means connective tissue and "myalgia" means muscle pain.  So fibromyalgia is a painful condition affecting the connective tissues of our muscles.


If you were to see a cross section of one of your muscles, you'd see yarn-like strands of fiber, each of which is wrapped in connective tissue.  Bundles of those yarn strands are gathered together and each bundle is wrapped in more connective tissue. 


Then all those bundles are wrapped together in connective tissue which forms the muscle.  The muscle is then connected to bones by tendons or to other muscles by ligaments.  (Both tendons and ligaments are connective tissues too.)


So you can see that a connective tissue problem can cause pain ALL OVER in and all around your muscles.


OK, biology lesson over.


Fibromyalgia is a mystery to most people because many members of the mainstream medical community can't explain why it occurs, nor do they have any answers for treatment besides drugs for the pain, sleeplessness and mood swings (which of course means anti-depressants).


There's a great reason why they can't explain fibromyalgia-

- because it is linked to acidity and toxic wastes in the body caused primarily by diet.


Most traditional doctors take just one single, solitary course in nutrition, and pay little or no attention to the connection between cleansing the body internally, maintaining an alkaline pH and the prevention of disease.


The focus of their training is, surprise, surprise...drugs and surgery.  That's it.  If a drug ain't gonna fix it, and if the knife won't do it, then it can't be fixed.


Let me explain what's REALLY going on with fibromyalgia:


When we eat foods that are acid creating in the body (including processed food, badly combined foods and other foods that inherently create acid in the body), the wastes from those foods don't just disappear into thin air once the food is digested and we have a bowel movement.


No--there's a lot more going on behind the scenes.


Foods that create acid in the body result in toxins.    

These toxins are absorbed into the bloodstream from the intestines and are carried all over the body. 


The lymphatic system (our "garbage collection" system) tries like heck to rid the body of these wastes through its "exits"--the lungs, skin, bowel and bladder--but it can only do so much. 


If it's really overloaded with toxins, the lymphatic system can't handle them all and they end up being stored in our organs, tissues and bones.


Toxins that have accumulated in the muscles and connective tissues rear their ugly heads as fibromyalgia.


(BTW, wastes that accumulate in the joints become arthritis, and when they accumulate in the ligaments, tendons and connective tissues surrounding the organs, they becomes lupus.)


And unless you stop what is creating fibromyalgia to begin with--eating in a way that creates acid in your body--your chance of ever feeling any better is about as good as putting a fire out by dumping gasoline on it.


Another important point is that not only are drugs useless in the treatment of fibromyalgia--they can also be harmful and downright deadly.


Drugs add to the acidity in the body.  So yes, Virginia, when your doctor hands you the little white piece of paper with his scribble, he's making your fibromyalgia WORSE--not better.


And it doesn't stop there.  The Washington Post reported on a study that appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association revealing that 2 million people are seriously injured each year taking prescription drugs as directed, and 106,000 die!  Many estimates put that number over 200,000 prescription drug deaths each year.  Just in the U.S. alone.


Death by taking drugs as directed.  What does that tell you about the safety of these chemical potions?


If you REALLY want help with fibromyalgia (or want to help make sure you never get it in the first place), there's something that's safe and very easy to use.


It's called Great Taste No Pain.



Cleansing and eliminating acidity from your body by eating delicious alkaline-creating foods in the combinations that make for easy digestion and assimiliation.


It isn't a diet.  There are no special potions, pills or powders to buy.  It's just a way of eating that respects that your body is alkaline and needs to stay alkaline to be truly healthy and strong.


Less acidity means less inflammation in ALL areas of the body--including around the muscles for you fibromyalgia sufferers. 


Get it and use it--and I know you'll feel a LOT better very soon.


To your health,


Sherry Brescia


PS:  Barbara has gotten relief from fibromyalgia and lots





My Dear Sherry:


I am very grateful to you for enduring your "once upon a time" digestive issues so you could help so many others.

It is (unfortunately) necessary for some of us to walk the walk before we can talk the talk.


Your suffering has not gone unrewarded.  Thank you from my now quiet digestive system, improved energy, improved and balanced mood issues, lessened discomfort from Fibromyalgia and overall mental, emotional and physical improvement.


I know it will take awhile for me to become solid and confident in my food intake but believe me, girlfriend, I am so improved, and oh so happy to have found a friend in food enjoyment! 


I had heard about correctly combining foods some years ago but I guess I just wasn't ready to listen.  There is an old adage that says, "When the student is ready, the teacher appears." 


I am ready to learn thanks to you, my teacher and food mentor.  God bless you, Sherry, for straightening the path for those of us who just couldn't find our way...this is your mission and bless you for answering the call !


Health 'n Heaven Hugs,


Barbara Cartmill Araujo






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Phillip Black

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Re: Another Short Fibromayalgia Article From the Healthy Back Institute
1/27/2009 4:36:31 PM

Hi Donna,

I've been enjoying all of the wonderful recipes which you been sharing so much that I had almost forgotten about this important Thread on Fibromayalgia.  Even though I personally have never experienced these horrible symptoms, I have been with many Friends who do suffer with this and have shared their pain and frustration at feeling that there often doesn't seem to be any hope of relief. 

I just want to say Thanks for sharing all of this great Information and also wanted to Thank Leonie for the great link to Great Taste No Pain.  I'll be grabbing a copy for myself, since it sounds like it would be quite helpful with Arthritis, and I'll definitely send the link on to my Friends with Fibromayalgia as well.

Thanks Again to you both.

Have a Blessed Week,



“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Donna Zuehl

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Re: Another Short Fibromayalgia Article From the Healthy Back Institute
1/29/2009 4:53:40 PM
Hi Leonie,

Thank you for sharing this great article. I knew that being acidic was not healthy. There are a lot of foods that are acidic, it seems more are acidic than alkaline. I have recently been trying to find out about acidic foods, so this article is very timely for me. I had my blood tested a few years ago by a nutritionist (don't recall her exact training or title) and she told me I am acidic and dehydrated.

It is nice to hear from you otherwise too, it has been awhile. Thanks for stopping by.


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