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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending January 27 for 173rd POTW:
1/22/2009 10:07:47 AM
Bonjour Alain & Kathleen!


For a moment my brain flipped and I thought we were already in February.

Gosh, I think me has been too long at the puter and addled me brain!!!

Oh Alain, I'll have to wait then.

Bisous à toi.

So new nominee will be:

Judy Smith:

Angel cuddles,

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Potw Team

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending January 27 for 173rd POTW:
1/22/2009 10:39:35 AM

Jayson? Wow. 

He's gonna roll his eyes about having to hang out with all us "old people" if he has to come here and post replies.  He does spend time to invite new friends, though. 

Potw Team

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending January 27 for 173rd POTW:
1/22/2009 10:44:28 AM

Hi Branka,

I saw that some don't have forums, if they'd like to open one soon that would be good.  I'm glad you nominated some people we don't regularly see very often!!  I was thinking the other day DongGeun is a VERY busy member with advertising.  There are lots of people who don't socialize but DO use the ad resources to their advantage.  I have people in my business downlines who we don't see very often but they are successful and always busy on the other side of Adlandpro...the AD side!!

Potw Team

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending January 27 for 173rd POTW:
1/22/2009 10:48:22 AM
Thanks, Sarah!

I haven't seen Fionnuala or Heidi for awhile!  That's the good thing about lists, it reminds us of friends we haven't visited with lately.  I'm glad Luis Miguel reactivated a forum recently, I learned a lot from his art forums!
Judy Smith

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending January 27 for 173rd POTW:
1/22/2009 10:50:27 AM

Hi Kathy,

I must report that I just heard from Phil Black.  He is unable to be nominated because he does not have an active forum, and will not have one started and posted in time as this is tax season and a VERY busy time of year for him.  So,

I would like to add

Sarah Prichard

to my list of nominees.




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