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Potw Team

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending January 27 for 173rd POTW:
1/25/2009 3:28:29 PM
Hi Jo, Thanks for coming! LaNell exempted herself, if you'd like to come back and post 1 name as a substitution. This first week is a little chaotic but I think it will smooth out as the weeks go on!
Jo Matthias

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending January 27 for 173rd POTW:
1/25/2009 3:46:13 PM

Hello Kathy,

I replace my nomination with    Georgios -

VOTE!!!! POTM!!!
Potw Team

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending January 27 for 173rd POTW:
1/25/2009 3:48:52 PM
Thanks, Jean! You could use the banner impressions (the award) to promote a site that's important to you, it doesn't have to be about business. My replies to people...well...there were a lot of disagreements with the rules yesterday but I decided not to get stressed on weekends, I try not to get stressed about people's online typed words anyway. I mentioned my father and my sister because even though they can be difficult, they are also both very wise people, and stubborn, the 2 most difficult-to-deal-with people I had to deal with for the first half of my life, and probably ever. Both are bull-headed walking-encyclopedias who made me realize intelligence usually wins out over impulsiveness. Getting into online arguments just leads to coming back to see what the other person said, over and over, getting stressed. Why look at the little electronic box of stress deliberately? Most of us are middle-aged and none of us needs high blood pressure or anger stemming from strangers across the country or across the world. Getting older leads to a slight loss of energy every year, we need to decide what we're going to use our energy for, and not waste it on things that will drag us down or create a spiral of never-ending arguments.
Jean Marie

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending January 27 for 173rd POTW:
1/26/2009 6:25:05 AM

Hi Kathleen-

As always, an eloquent and courteous response.  I must admit, I never thought of using the banner impressions to promote the non-profit site - great idea, thank you!

I agree with you whole heartedly that life is too short to expend lots of energy in an argumentative stance.  People always have the irght to their own beliefs, and the right to agree to disagree on matters.  That's what makes this such a wonderfully diverse world.

Bravo to all here at ALP, who feel safe & free enough to communicate their thoughts in a courteous, proressional manner, remembering that we all have feelings.  And feelings are neither right nor wrong, they just "are".  We can't prevent or stop from feeling what we feel. It's when we react, based on those emotions, that the action can be influenced and cause perceptions that are not positive.

It takes an intelligent, caring person to temper their responses, so that they don't reflect anger, fustration, or belittle the receiver.

There are many great communicators here at ALP, and you are amongst them!

Thanks for all you do! 



JeanMarie "May you live today from what you learned yesterday to achieve a better tomorrow"
Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending January 27 for 173rd POTW:
1/26/2009 8:58:49 AM

Good Morning

I hope you had a great weekend Kathleen and Team!

I like the new rules their sensible and feel POTW would run much smoother. But theirs one that I particular feel is a little to much... "nominating 7" for one to participate!!! It's a very high number and suggest to the POTW team reconsider.

I feel less than 5 nominees would be more encouraging to Adland Community to vote. I started to look around to nominate but I gave up, I don't have that time and being on dial-up and it's so slow... got very discouraged.

Sorry but this is how I feel...

Have a great week


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