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Thomas Richmond

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How Much Do We Eat!_ Game On! 01/18/09
1/18/2009 3:00:43 PM
How much do we eat? Almost 15,000 tons of chips and 4,000 tons of popcorn. To take these out of rational perspective, lining up each and every chip would produce a trail of almost 293,000 miles (not quite 1-1/2 times the distance to the moon, or six feet per American). Meanwhile, a popcorn string consisting of all that popcorn would ring the Earth almost 5-1/2 times-take that, Saturn!

The real winner in terms of food sales has got to be the avocado, however. The
California Avocado Commission cites impressive numbers indeed for their Super Sunday: Some 12 million pounds of avocado are sold in preparation for the game so that Americans may gorge themselves on an estimated eight million pounds of guacamole. The only better time for avocado hockers is Cinco de Mayo. If you took all those avocado and lined 'em up ... ah, forget it.

Then there's the following day; hey, there's a reason they don't call it "Super Monday" and another good excuse for an official three-day weekend. 7-Eleven claims a whopping 20 percent in sales of antacid the day after the Super Bowl. Also important to remember: Statistics show that six percent of all working Americans will call in sick the day after the Bowl. Figuring in the above number regarding average party attendance, this means that just over one person per gathering will whine to the boss on Monday. If you're partying with colleagues, you might want to take an informal poll before having that umpteenth brewski.

Oh, and don't forget there's a game on.
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Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: How Much Do We Eat!_ Game On! 01/18/09
1/18/2009 3:39:34 PM

Thomas really.

I thought that you would have more self-control than that.

How many chips do you eat?

I suggest you push some to the side of your plate.


Thomas Richmond

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Re: How Much Do We Eat!_ Game On! 01/18/09
1/18/2009 4:13:38 PM
Thanks Roger, im trying but its the cheese lol that makes me eat more, Americans do have a weight problem, it would'nt be a problem if we just control ourselves lol. Have you ever heard that expression (Your eyes are bigger than your stomach?)LOL
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Nick Sym

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Re: How Much Do We Eat!_ Game On! 01/18/09
1/18/2009 8:44:34 PM
Thomas My Dear Brother

I must say that being a Trekkie I can only follow by example and well. he is the Captain !

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Mary Hannan

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Re: How Much Do We Eat!_ Game On! 01/18/09
1/18/2009 9:01:18 PM

Hi Thomas,
Where did you you get these statistics? I don't have a weight gaining problem, it's easy. LOL!
