Hi Donna,
I have been taking three meds for hypertension. THe last one only added some months ago. It was a beta blocker. Since that time I have barely been able to drag myself out of bed.
I felt like I was in a deep, dark hole. In fact I felt so bad I didn't want to continue. Wow, that is not like me.
So I thought I am going to cut out the beta blocker and see what happens.
I have a monitor and check the bp night and morning and so far (a few weeks) there has been little change in the readings. But there has been a change in ME.
Feeling much better in myself although still have the aches and pains but I've had them all my life so I can cope with that.
I've just run out of the second one and am waiting see what will happen. I suppose I had better check in with the doctor soon.
Anyhow just thought I would agree with you about some meds are necessary and some can be avoided.
Medical profession uses big scary words to keep us ignorant and reliant on them.