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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Confused? Hopeless? what you got- God can help!
1/14/2009 3:53:17 PM
Thanks again Nick, your graphics are very hard to find, im looking everywhere LOL
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Kim Stilwell

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Re: Confused? Hopeless? what you got- God can help!
1/14/2009 11:05:41 PM

Tom,  No, everyone isn't going to follow, and often not right now anyway; but often impressions are left that we are unaware of, like watering that has small growing effects we cannot see right now.  So yes, Patience, as God who waits for the harvest and because of love. Something fell on me today...struck me!  First though...last summer during a fiery trial just prior to an amazing visitation and miraculous healing hubby said these words in a way that I thought God himself said them!...."The will of God and the will of man are 2 separate things."   So today after I have been feeling really high in spirit lately, I was "seeing" that while "our" will is to be and live in the high places, it's often in the average places of life, where things just seem ordinary, that God's will is occuring most in us.  I say occuring as a "verb." So you say...people won't follow, and I think, God is moving many of us along, even them, at a pace like a clock hand often, yet we are moving. Patience!  The will of works in God's ways that are not man's. amen?

Tommy,  No I don't have that online church site, but it was neat!  I left it then because I was convicted that the effort I was trying to make with the overseas people was not God's leading but my own...I tell you brother, God showed me something serious!  We can play...and think we are doing a service to God and man, and can end up in "spiritual woe." And you know why and how?   Because...not sinners, but those who call themselves by God's name, get to walking "after the flesh."  Which means...after our own will and not Gods...after our own glory and not God's.  And I have been to this place "He" termed "spiritual woe," and it aint pretty! 

So I am cautious in life now, but yet more on fire for God than when I first began. I get tempted to work online; I Love the people God Loves so much and Love to be an Encourager and ofcourse...Councelor...and do have calling, but whatever I do, it has to have a pure motive of being 'for" the hearts of people; money alone doesn't interest me and won't keep me, yet because I do school at home online and work only part time as Nurse, it would be good to be able to propser some from home if only I could figure out what to do to Give what god gives me and at the same time prosper just a little in order to help the causes.  Got any ideas?

I'm open to ideas...joint ventures, but again, it's not money that I will be solely motivated by, but a pure work to help people in heart and life. I know the time is coming; I feel it and God has told me: I feel alot to give that God has given me and a true passion for the hearts of people. Counceling is going to get me there I know, but I do ponder on ways to give now. 

Usually I'm listening and being the encourager and adviser, feeling, as for me, it's God who is my councelor, but this one time I have spoken my own heart and desires.  Open to responses to me if I may get any.

                                                               Love preachergirl

Thomas Richmond

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Re: Confused? Hopeless? what you got- God can help!
1/14/2009 11:29:05 PM
Hey preacher girl, its me and I'm here, if you need some online work (legit) work for God i will show you how, sorry to hear about your summer last year but you survived through God and with your hubby, by the way how is he doing? I do wish you can take a look at some of my forum posts about the upbringing of my church one day. You speak of God as if he is with you, to me that tells me that he is as he is here with me with every single post and every single step in my life. Being tempted to do good is not wrong, its what is tempting you to do wrong is bad, so if you have the time, faith without deeds is dead, remember that. It is to his benefit that you do what you feel is right in God's eyes, each of us is unique and he gave us all lots in life that we live like we do. Use it, implement the scriptures to your daily life and you'll see a great joy without anyones help!, We all need a teacher to learn from inside and out. God_bless you Kim  " Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. see if there is any offensive way in me,and lead me in the way everlasting." Psalm 139:23-24
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Kim Stilwell

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Re: Confused? Hopeless? what you got- God can help!
1/14/2009 11:41:03 PM

Tom,  Hubby is fine, retired and glad to be out of the rat race, which he always did run with excellence. But he was dying, and no sorry's because though I have known such depths of despair I also saw a man 'see" the Lord and rise up from a dying state, and I saw a "Look of Love" like I have never seen in any eyes on this planet; a Look that must have been similar to Jesus looking you in the face from feet away.  I thought at the time with almost jealosy..."he is seeing someone he loves more than me!"  And that has been impossible, yet I saw it.

What is this....about your upbringing in church or something....tell me where and I will read.  And then what can you show me?   kim


Thomas Richmond

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Re: Confused? Hopeless? what you got- God can help!
1/14/2009 11:50:06 PM
Your hubby had a revelation, very good, the same thing when i was baptized i saw and felt God's spirit enter me. The upbringing of the history of my church i put out in a series so you can read the history in short of what went on from rabbi Jesus' time till now. Roman numeral posts here in this forum, search it out. Further more i will PM you- Personal Mail- you with some offeres of my own but more than that, my brothers and sisters will help as well.
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