By Papaw Beaty 1/11/09
I know a little girl with a gracious servant’s heart.
She is always very willing to do her helpful part.
This gift is very rare in a young and rising star.
To watch her warms my heart. This will take her very far.
Many give excuses to get them out of work.
But Leah does not wait or try her work to shirk.
If I could choose an attribute to set someone apart,
I would choose a winning smile and a servant’s heart.
Not everyone is like this, some just sit upon the fence.
It comes from faithful parents who teach with diligence.
Be thankful for your mother and for your father too.
Believe me it’s not easy to do the things they do.
Even a cup of water will not loose its just reward.
If given in the spirit of Jesus Christ our Lord.
I hope you do not change as you go through teenage years.
Others folk are watching whose hearts are filled with cheers.