Hi Peter, an amazing video and hopefully most of these inventions will be implemented in the states very soon. I was surprised a few weeks back to read on the package that one of my prescription medications was made in Israel. Cool. :) Quote: Hello Friends,
I must apologize for being away for a few days but I sold my apartment and moved to a new place last Thursday. So, I was busy packing and unpacking. The place I moved into is a temporary address for me since I'm waiting for a new place to buy and if and when I find it I'll be packing and unpacking again. :)
The below video is quite remarkable in my opinion. It's another example of Israel's contribution to the world in the field of science and medicine. I'm sure you'll all agree that Dr. Kobi Vortman's projects are ground breaking and will add much to the well being of many sick people world wide.
http://www.youtube.com/embed/IfJemqkby_0?rel=0* If you want to watch the video on a big screen click on the above link.