[if !mso]> Hello Bogdan, If your answer is great, I would however prefer to read it by simply reading your signature “Truth can only be found by those who have the humility to consider what they do not prefer.” I could go along for volumes on this subject, for indeed it is as complex as would be trying to cure a drug addict from his pains by simply telling him to stop using the stuff. He believes that he knows (the addict) what he needs. Obviously I’m not saying that Muslims are drug addicts, but religiously: Yes. Similarly, I would not say that ALL religions are wrong; there is only one religion, and one faith all others are beliefs and human opportunisms. There is simply no living human that could in any way grasp the full understanding of “The True Religion” because that does not belong to the realms of man. It would simply do away with our freedom where it to be otherwise. Friendly Robert. And yes Peter, the Coptic will soon be killed off by the Islamics who wrongly believe to be the true people of Egypt. The Copts can trace their origins to ancient Egypt, but what must we expect when democracy above all else needs to prevail? Numbers seem to be the order of the day, even if sadly 2 plus 2 seems no longer to add to 4. Soon the Pyramids of Giza will be squated and laundry rags drying on its facade!