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Robert De Merode

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
2/4/2011 11:18:25 PM
Seems probably just as dangerous as returning to an islamic country is to be questioned by a main stream western media!
Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
2/5/2011 1:30:10 AM
Just wondering how long this video will last for on YouTube?
Only a handful of these guys could do far more than any UN
or F-15 all united!

Dear friends,

Only young people can change this world of hatred and divisions int something better, which is peace, working towards acceptance and understanding of differences.

Believing in God/Love is a natural intuitive understanding and need of every human. These are people who made religions to be used against each other for the gain and divisiveness. No religion is a true representation of God as God would never teach such a limited understanding. These are people who in their greed, limitations, need to control came up with those ideas. I mean all religions are like this. They all have been corrupted by the small group at the top for their own gain and need to control.

Here is just another video which shows not exactly conversion to different religion, but defiance to the old status-quoe, which previous video is proof of the same.

Young people will find the bridge between Arabs and Israelis, because the old ones can't do this. They are too entrenched in their
trenches and their hearts and eyes are blinded with hatred and fear.

These young people on both sides are sick with living in this hatred and manipulation around them and be ready for big surprise if you are not anticipating what they are going to do very soon. They will erase all this by actions which none of the sides ever thought would be possible. They will become friends with each other in spite of many generations doing exactly the opposite.
These young people know something more than their parents.
They are young people but the understanding of who they are is not new for them.

Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
2/5/2011 9:58:02 AM
HI Robert,
Very true this guy knows the dangers involved and according to what he says he's more then willing to accept the fatwah's in order to express his opinions on Islam, Hamas and new found faith.
In this round it's become dangerous for reporters and MSM in Egypt. Many have been attacked and beaten. The first reporter killed was an Egyptian but it's not over yet and for the remaining reporters it could get much worse. Many have fled the country.
Did you hear that during the riots 11 Copts were killed by their Muslim neighbors?

Seems probably just as dangerous as returning to an islamic country is to be questioned by a main stream western media!
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
2/5/2011 10:21:47 AM
[if !mso]> Hello Bogdan,

If your answer is great, I would however prefer to read it by simply reading your signature “Truth can only be found by those who have the humility to consider what they do not prefer.”

I could go along for volumes on this subject, for indeed it is as complex as would be trying to cure a drug addict from his pains by simply telling him to stop using the stuff. He believes that he knows (the addict) what he needs.

Obviously I’m not saying that Muslims are drug addicts, but religiously: Yes.

Similarly, I would not say that ALL religions are wrong; there is only one religion, and one faith all others are beliefs and human opportunisms. There is simply no living human that could in any way grasp the full understanding of “The True Religion” because that does not belong to the realms of man. It would simply do away with our freedom where it to be otherwise.


And yes Peter, the Coptic will soon be killed off by the Islamics who wrongly believe to be the true people of Egypt. The Copts can trace their origins to ancient Egypt, but what must we expect when democracy above all else needs to prevail? Numbers seem to be the order of the day, even if sadly 2 plus 2 seems no longer to add to 4. Soon the Pyramids of Giza will be squated and laundry rags drying on its facade!

Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
2/5/2011 11:01:27 AM
Hello Bogdan,

I remember when you first posted this video in your thread and on the mountain. The video itself is nothing new and the group that calls them selves "shministim" is small and has no influence on the Israeli public nor on the youth of Israel. Every enlistment cycle the large majority our youth are volunteering for the top military units and go through tough pre-training in order to be short listed for them. And more importantly Israel being a democracy these kids are allowed to voice their opinions freely but must take responsibility for their actions and bear the consequences. You see we've had (as all nations do) many conscientious objectors and they didn't have to serve in the military. These kids aren't conscientious objectors but politically motivated and there is a moral and ethical difference.

When you first posted this video your comment was "I love it" and I prepared a post that I decided not to follow up with. That said comparing the shministim video with the Son of Hamas video is a contradiction in terms. Here you have a young man who was raised in a radical Islamic environment whose father was and still is one of the leaders of Hamas (also one of the founders). While in prison he changed (as you'll see in the below videos) became a top Mossad spy and eventually converted to Christianity. What's not mentioned in the videos is that his Mossad handlers got him out of the country when Hamas started getting suspicious about him. I'll not go into all the details since you can see that in the videos but he was convinced Islam was a corrupt religion and that Hamas is simply a radical Islamic group founded by the Muslim Brotherhood whose only ideology is to kill Jews and eradicate Israel from the map. Simply a terrorist organization. His solution is for all the Muslims to convert to Christianity and I don't see that happening. Do you?

The shministim on the other hand are embracing the same people he ran away from for all the right reasons. The extreme left has an agenda that sees no wrong in terrorists killing Israelis but see Israel's defense mechanisms as the root of all evil. The large majority of Israelis see them as traitors yet as I mentioned earlier Israel being the democracy it is they have the right to express their opinions freely.

Sorry Bogdan, these kids will not change the world at least not in regard to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict but direct negotiations and peace talks will.The Palestinians seem to have a problem sitting down to the table and a large part of that problem is Hamas and other issues some of which can be laid at the feet of B Hussein. That said I'm optimistic that eventually there will be peace hopefully in my lifetime.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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