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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Russia's Solution To "Humanitarian" Problems Or Issues & More
7/19/2010 5:05:41 PM
Hello Friends,
Here's anther brilliant satiric video from the Latmah team. It's an obvious spoof of Israel's boarding of the Turkish ship Marmarah but with a Russian twist.

This video I posted a week or so ago but because of its beauty and its message well worth watching again.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
7/19/2010 7:56:23 PM
Alan West, states very well his position and I agree wholeheartedly with his statements. He is someone to be respected, listened to, and a potential candidate to replace our current Commander and Chief in 2012. One of my personal top choices.

Hello Friends,
The below article by Lt. Col Alan West needs no preface or additional comments he says all that needs to be said extremely well and in a concise and explicit manner. I sure wish that we had more Alan West's' running for political office.

Lt Colonel Allen West: NAACP and Liberal Racism

Once again, Lt Colonel Allen West shares his clear and brilliant observations of events shaping our nation. Here are his thoughts on liberal racism and the NAACP.

18 July 2010
Lieutenant Colonel Allen B West (US Army, Retired)

Liberal Racism
"One Nation under God Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All"

Greetings Wheels on the Road readers, fellow South Floridians, and all Americans, my how time flies and here we are again for our monthly political assessment.

It never ceases to amaze me that as we get closer to our monthly submission of this regular missive that the topic becomes evident. I often use an ole saying from my parents, "sometimes you just have to thank God for stupid people"....and I do. The focus for this month without any doubt has to be the NAACP and its President/CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous.

Let me make one thing very clear, my Mother, Elizabeth Thomas West, was a lifetime membership holder with the NAACP. Therefore growing up in our home I clearly understood the mission and vision for this organization. It was a mission and vision that enabled me to have the pride in myself and the heritage of my parents, grandparents, and extended family. It was a mission and vision that, to me, fostered a desire to excel beyond the standard and have a commitment to excellence regardless of skin color.

However, something has happened to that mission and vision, something horrific and inconsistent with the principles and values I recalled emanating from the "ole school" black community. Somewhere along the way victimization mentality has taken root in the black community resulting in astronomical unemployment rates, high incarceration rates, appalling murder rates, breakdown of the black family, and embarrassing teen pregnancy rates.

And in the light of all these negative socioeconomic indicators the NAACP decides that the preeminent focus of their national convention would be on issuing a resolution castigating the Tea (Taxed Enough Already) Party movement as racist. Even Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee of Texas was so compelled as to state that the Tea Party is filled with Klan members.....but we will get to the Congressional Black Caucus a bit later.

Instead of maintaining its mission and vision, the NAACP has now become the "useful idiots" (a term coined by Vladimir Lenin) for liberal racism. They have made themselves into a political hack job organization which now seeks to maintain the liberal progressive socialist control of the 21 century plantation. It is on this new economic plantation where the liberals seek to enslave the black community in order to maintain a devoted, monolithic, voting electorate.

I find it interesting that the NAACP was silent when Senator Harry Reid made his insidious comments about President Obama was favorable, likeable, because he is "light-skinned" and did not speak in "negro dialect". I recall that the NAACP said nothing when Vice President Joe Biden referred to Barack Hussein Obama as "clean and articulate". The NAACP said nothing when liberals attacked Clarence Thomas, Condoleeza Rice (birthing tubes cartoon), Michael Steele, and General Colin Powell.

In 2008, where was the NAACP to denounce the obvious case of voter intimidation by the New Black Panther Party? Why did the NAACP not demand President George W Bush, and now, Attorney General Eric Holder, and the Obama adminstration, to prosecute this case to the fullest extent? Does the NAACP now support the same tactic which targeted the black community seeking to restrict the most fundamental of American individual rights, the right to vote? And shall the NAACP distance itself and condemn Malik Shabazz and the New Black Panther Party?

It is this duplicitous hypocrisy which allows me to state that the NAACP is shamefully now a liberal racist enabler. The upcoming mid-term elections have the Democrat party in certain peril. Therefore they have turned to their tactic of first and last resort, race baiting.

The resolution issued by the NAACP against the Tea Party is just a strategy to focus this coming election not against liberal progressive policies, which are anathema to our Republic. No, the NAACP, in conjunction with their masters, the Democrat party, seek to make this into an election based upon an insane charge of racial hatred.

We even see charlatan blasts from the past such as Julian Bond stating that Martin Luther King Jr was a socialist, a feeble attempt to garner black community acceptance of the liberal progressive agenda. We are truly on the verge of a dangerous situation in America. And yes, this also includes the lawsuit being brought against the sovereign State of Arizona, an attempt to win Hispanic extension of liberal racism to another minority group.

We can fully expect from now until 2 November 2010 to see the usual suspects come out to promote the dishonest tyranny of the liberals. You will find the Congressional Black Caucus, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton out to ensure blacks remain wedded to the failing liberal social welfare policies, all the time shouting how the Democrats know what is best. I find it comical that Al Sharpton has already leapt forward to head up a new left-wing grassroots group to counter the Tea Party called "One Nation".

Does One Nation believe in higher taxes and bigger government? Will this counter group promote individual rights and freedoms, liberty, and adherence to our US Constitution? I presume this group will seek to intimidate and put forth the ideals of collectivism combined with victimhood and expansion of the "nanny-state".

I find the Tea Party, to which I have spoken to several times, stands for fundamental principles and values consistent with that which has made America an exceptional Constitutional Republic.

Therefore, under the "leadership" of Al Sharpton, this counter group One Nation obviously stands for principles which are antithetical to our Republic.

In closing, I am sure you are asking why did the ole Colonel have the last sentence in the Pledge of Allegiance in the title for this piece?

Simple, Liberal Racism does not believe in One Nation under God. They believe in a Nation of subjects organized into collective groups under which they shall rule, not govern, in a secular humanist based society.

Indivisible, Liberal Racism does not believe in "e pluribus unim", they prefer a balkanized America where they can pit us against each other through their manipulated messages....such as Tea Party racism.

Liberal racism does not believe in Liberty and Justice for All, they believe in freedom defined by a ruling class elite while creating more victims who become dependent upon their dishonest benevolence. Justice in the world of Liberal Racism means social and economic justice rooted in a principle of leveling, which founding father Samuel Adams spoke against. Al Sharpton defined justice as everyone having the same in every home in America.....government engineering of results and outcomes.

The mid-term elections of 2 November 2010 comes down to "One Nation under God Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All" or the concept of One Nation under the proprietor of victimization Al Sharpton, a simpleton crony of Liberal Racism. Which shall you choose?

Steadfast and Loyal,
LTC(R) Allen B West

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG -More On The Ground Zero "Mega Mosque" Infamy
7/20/2010 6:28:15 AM
Hi Jim,
I agree whole heartedly that Alan West is a more then qualified candidate to replace the joker in the White House now.
Here's more on the Ground Zero "Mega Mosque" infamy and travesty. The interesting thing is that the speaker is a Brit and he has more respect for the Memorial Ground Zero is then all the politicians supporting this jihadi plan for Islamic supremacy put together.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
7/20/2010 4:24:41 PM
There all kinds of examples that many are now speaking out and up. This guy is interesting to say the least.

Hi Jim,
I agree whole heartedly that Alan West is a more then qualified candidate to replace the joker in the White House now.
Here's more on the Ground Zero "Mega Mosque" infamy and travesty. The interesting thing is that the speaker is a Brit and he has more respect for the Memorial Ground Zero is then all the politicians supporting this jihadi plan for Islamic supremacy put together.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
7/20/2010 8:33:23 PM
Hey Jim,
I've been following Pastor Manning for quite a while now and for sure he doesn't hold back with what he thinks. One thing for sure he sure doesn't like that "creep" B Hussein and more power to him for having the guts to say what he thinks so openly.

There all kinds of examples that many are now speaking out and up. This guy is interesting to say the least.

Hi Jim,
I agree whole heartedly that Alan West is a more then qualified candidate to replace the joker in the White House now.
Here's more on the Ground Zero "Mega Mosque" infamy and travesty. The interesting thing is that the speaker is a Brit and he has more respect for the Memorial Ground Zero is then all the politicians supporting this jihadi plan for Islamic supremacy put together.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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