Hello Friends,
I've been extremely busy with some off line projects and as a consequence have a back log of topics I wanted to post on. Hopefully I'll be able to catch up on them in the next few days.
B Hussein has made clear his enmity to Israel and his Muslim agenda is becoming obvious even to the blindest of the blind. The so called "crisis" is a fabricated issue since the construction of houses in any part of Jerusalem was agreed upon (even though Israel doesn't need anyones approval to build within her borders) and Bibi was even complimented on his temporary "freeze" of building in Judea and Samaria which of course didn't include any part of Jerusalem. B Hussein ignores the PA/PLO's "misdeeds" and pats them on the back and supports their activities by training their forces who time and again claim their intent to fight and attack Israel in anyway possible.
So far the only side in this conflict that shows any desire for peace is Israel and the illogical and in many cases harmful concessions she's made haven't brought the Palestinians any closer to peace talks. Quite the opposite as a matter of fact. The more concessions Israel makes the more they "demand" since their agent in the White House is doing all the work for them. So why should they agree to peace talks when they believe B Hussein will make all their demands for them and even more?
Obowma forgot he's supposed to bring the two sides to the table and no more. Instead he's making demands that aren't part of the "facilitators" job. But he's not trying to help the sides get togeether since he's part of the PA team sitting in the White House.
Recently we celebrated the Passover holiday. One of the names for this holiday is Chag Hacheirut - The Holiday of Freedom/Redemption. B Hussein's disrespect to the Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was seen by all and the demands he's trying to make will eventually enslave and destroy Israel which is obviously part of his Muslim agenda and appeasement of the Muslim world. In his way he's trying to be the modern day Pharoh (even though Pharoh wasn't a Muslim) and enslave and destroy Israel. All this to the only country in the Midddle East that's a true democracy and an ally of the United States. As we've seen he treats the Unites State's enemies better and with more respect. Israel will not cave in to his "demands" and will remain a free country that is looking for peace with its neighbors but not at the price of her security,safety and freedom.
The interesting thing is that even those that mistakenly supported this pariah are having second thoughts and much more about him. Below is an article about what Mayor Ed Koch thinks (be sure to watch the video at the source link).
Amongst other things he said "I believe that the Obama administration is willing to throw Israel under the bus in order to please Muslim nations," Koch said. "We'll know when I'm right or wrong." Shalom,

Former New York Mayor Ed Koch expressed disappointment in President Obama on Thursday for his treatment of Israel after it announced it would continue construction in East Jerusalem – the section of the holy city claimed by the Palestinians."I have been a supporter of President Obama and went to Florida for him, urged Jews all over the country to vote for him saying that he would be just as good as John McCain on the security of Israel. I don't think it's true anymore," Koch told Fox News' Neil Cavuto.... Read the rest here.