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Re: Human Shields In Gaza
1/17/2009 8:21:09 AM

Hi John,

Now that's an original thought. I have a feeling though that you just might be missing the point.

The "plan" of the of the Islamic Brother hood is for world domination and the Hamas is only a faction of the brotherhood. So what are you gonna do nuke the world when they start creating problems all over Europe and elsewhere? Their influence and control is already felt all over Europe including the UK. The USA is next in line and the situation will get worse before it gets better.

So, your nuking theory might be one you enjoy thinking about but I certainly think it won't solve the problems you'll face after your theoretical solution for the Middle East.

I guess you'd better start worrying about your own backyard cos the problems are at your doorstep now too.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Flag of Geketa Holman

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza
1/17/2009 11:45:07 AM
Hi Peter,

That video summed it up nicely. The point the tree huggers and liberals just don't get is as you said .. WORLD dominance anything short of that is not acceptable to Islam.

I don't know what all  the fraction are of the brotherhood  but I do know the Islam agenda is convert or die and they will use themselves, family and friends to get it. You cannot fight that kind of hate with love the only answer is to fight and die if necessary or just let them take over and Rule.

 I guess the ladies in Europe would like to have a husband with many wives and wear what she is told, send her sons to die in the name of Allah  ? John your response was really appalling to me I thought you were a better man than that.



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - THE NAIVE NEWSMAN
1/19/2009 12:42:52 AM

Hello Friends,

Here's another Dry Bones's for you. This onee's self explanatory.



Peter Fogel
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Re: Human Shields In Gaza
1/19/2009 5:47:13 AM

Hi Geketa,

You have to understand that there will never be any peace in that area because the Arabs see the Israeli's as an occupying army, also during the british control of Palestine the Israeli's had their own terrorists killing british troops and Arabs.

I thought I gave a viable solution to the problem, because if its imposible for any human to live there no one will fight over it, the trouble with the Israeli's is they think everyone supports what they are doing because of the holocaust.

Its high time that they got off this we are the persecuted race bandwagon, ok so they have had to put up with the odd rocket attack and I don't blame them for their retaliation. But I think a death toll of 1300 to 13 is just a bit disproportionate, I do not agree with either the Arab or Israelis religions as they are both extreme in their own right.

Yes we have Muslims over here in the UK but we wish the women wouldn't walk around like black post boxes, and the men would dress like Europeans rather than a walking tent. But you seem to have missed my point because If you look back through history most wars have been caused by religion so thats why I don't comment in a lot of Godlandpro's forums.

Best Wishes


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Re: Human Shields In Gaza
1/19/2009 7:47:51 AM
Hello John,

Even though your reply was to Geketa I'll allow myself to reply to you as I'm sure she will too.

Yes, Britain was kicked out of Israel just as they were from almost every other country they occupied during their colonial period. Was their mandate run fairly and justly I think not but that's another discussion entirely. You talk as if the Israelis were killing Arabs and Brits but you seem to have forgotten your history cos even then the fighting was instigated by the Arab population. But that too is not relevant to what is happening today and is another topic completely even though it has historical precedence to the conflict today. I wonder if you recall or know that the Mufti of Jerusalem was a general in the Nazi army and a close confidant of Hitler. Fighting against the British too during WW II. Enough with history lessons.

You gave a viable solution??? What a joke that is. Israel knows that there are many that think like you and have little support from the world today. Now, that you must know cos all you have to do is read the newspapers and watch the TV. The Holocaust for us was a lesson never to be forgotten and we did what had to be done to protect the citizens of Israel regardless of world opinion. For us this is a war of survival and for you another bothersome issue that you have to suffer through on the news and TV.

I don't recall any bandwagon or claims of being the persecuted race. And the only thing odd about your statement “OK so they had to put up with the odd rocket attack” is the statement itself. Odd attack?? Well over 6500 bombs and mortars fired over the past 3 years and that in your opinion is “the odd rocket attack”? BTW, that doesn't include the suicide bombers and other forms of attacks over the years. What a biased statement and way of thinking. When there is one bomb in London the whole country is up in arms and is afraid to walk the streets whether it was from the IRA or now the Arab terrorists. Wake up and be a bit more realistic in your comments and views.

Yes, many more Palestinians were killed then Israelis but once again read and find out why. Guess that doesn't interest you and leaves you free to say what ever you feel like. When the Hamas stops bombing, Israel will not only not attack but help the Palestinians as they have in the past. I guess there is a reason that Israel is the main employer of the Palestinian work force. Or didn't you know that either?

In regard to the Israeli's religion it's called Judaism and there is nothing fanatic about it. Islam on the other hand is and as I wrote in my previous post it'll be your problem too in the not so distant future. As a matter of fact it already is. Be on guard John cos the future according to their plan and religious beliefs doesn't fare well for the “non believers”.

Yes, most wars were started for religious beliefs but the war Israel is facing is a war of survival. Their mandate (Palestinian/Hamas) clearly states the extermination of Israel. It always has been and nothing has changed in that regard.

This is not a “religion forum” and was never meant to be. So feel free to comment here.

Regardless of all the above Israel is in constant peace talks with Palestinians and Hamas is purposely destroying a true viable solution and peace in our area.

As you can see John, I got your point but your viable solution is far from viable and is one of the worst jokes I've heard in many a day.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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