Hello Friends,
The politicians and world leaders might not understand it yet but the Global Warming hoax and scam will not be taken out of the public eye. Climategate is here to stay and all their demagoguery and bullying won't change that fact. The facts coming out of the climategate scandal proves beyond a doubt all that these interested parties have been fooling with the minds of the people of the world and that has to stop!
During a press briefing at the Copenhagen conference a journalist that asked questions that they refuse to answer was bullied and removed by UN police. Their constant effort to silence anyone that disagrees with their faulty "science" is gagged in one way or another. Main stream media will not interview these scientists, scientific publications will not publish their findings. Friends we all have to thank God that the internet exists otherwise these gangsters would have gotten away with the greatest scam of the century.
Here's an interesting article with some d*amning videos that prove just that. If they have nothing to hide answer the questions and don't silence and bully those that question the veracity of their "fixed" findings.
 Phelim McAleer is an investigative journalist who spends much of histime debunking the Global Warming hoax. It was McAleer who asked aquestion of Al Gore a few months ago that caused the former VP's headto start melting (video at end of this post). McAleer is also thedirector and producer of Not Evil Just Wrong documentary whichlooks at how environmental extremism is damaging the lives of the mosteconomically vulnerable populations (see trailer below) Today the "Global Warming Mafia" gave new credence to the chargesraised by Climategate, that there has been a concerted effort tocover-up dissenting voices. Because that's exactly what they did toMcAleer when he asked some “inconvenient questions” during a pressbriefing at the climate change conference in Copenhagen. Professor Stephen Schneider’s assistant requested armedUN security officers who held film maker Phelim McAleer, ordered him tostop filming and prevented further questioning after the pressconference where the Stanford academic was launching a book.
He asked Professor Schneider about his opinions on Climategate Professor Schneider, who is a senior member of the UN’sIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), said he would notcomment on emails that may have been incomplete or edited.
When McAleer replied that the University had confirmedthat the emails were legitimate, all help broke lose, UN officials andProfessor Schneider’s assistants twice tried to cut short McAleer’squestion. As the press conference drew to a close ProfessorSchneider’s assistant called armed UN security guards to the room. Theyheld McAleer and aggressively ordered cameraman Ian Foster to stopfilming. The guard threatened to take away the camera and expel thefilm crew from the conference if they did not obey his instructions tostop filming Professor Schneider.
The guard demanded to look at the filmcrews press credentials and refused to allow them to film untilProfessor Schneider left the room. McAleer said he was disappointed byProfessor Schneider’s behaviour.
“It was a press conference. Climategate isa major story – it goes to the heart of the Global Warming debate bycalling into question the scientific data and the integrity of manyscientists involved.”
“These questions should be answered. The attempts by UN officialsand Professor Schneider’s assistant to remove my microphone werehamfisted but events took a more sinister turn when they called anarmed UN security officer to silence a journalist.”
Two officers corralled the film crew andone officer can be seen on tape (video below) threatening thecameraman. The Guard can also be heard warning that if the crew did notstop filming their would seize the equipment and the journalistsexpelled from the conference.
“I have met Mr Christopher Ankerson theUN’s head of security for the conference and he has confirmed it wasProfessor Schneider’s staff who asked the security guards to comecorral us at the press conference. Mr Ankerson could not say whatgrounds the security guard had for ordering us to stop filming.”
“This is a blatant attempt to stop journalists doing journalism andasking hard questions. It is not the job of armed UN security officersto stop legitimate journalists asking legitimate questions of seniormembers of the UN’s IPCC.”
But it does seem like the job of Professor Schneider to help sweep Climategate under the carpet. McAleer, who is from Ireland, has gained quite a reputation for askingdifficult questions of those who have been promoting the idea ofman-made Global Warming. His microphone was cut off after he asked former vice-president Al Goreabout the British court case which found that An Inconvenient Truth hada nine significant errors and exaggerations. Almost 500,000 people havewatched the incident on youtube, in case you haven't it appears below: