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Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
10/25/2009 6:00:14 AM

Peter I just finished watching your videos. To say they are troubling is an understatement. I did go and sign up at the website mentioned in the last one to receive their newsletters and email alerts.

Hi Evelyn,

Those videos are frightening and I'm planning to post others in order to warn and make as many people as possible aware of the dangers staring them in the face right in their own backyards.

I've subscribed to ACT for quite a while now and they are doing very valuable work within the US.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - B Hussein And His Gangland/Mob Tactics
10/27/2009 7:06:50 AM
Hello Friends,

I read a great article over at Newsreal and wanted to share it with you all.

We've seen that B Hussein the great pretender doesn't like opposition and the big question is what he
does about it. Well we all know he learned his craft from the "best" Saul Ailinsky, Ayres, Mao, Mohammed etc. But best of all he learned from his home town Chicago and one of its famous sons Al Capone. In other words mob tactics. The way to "take care" of opposition is not to discuss the differences but to take out and destroy the opposition.

Gangland tactics, B Hussein and his goons/henchmen are becoming experts at this. Or are they?? Seems like they a got bit cocky when they decided to destroy the most popular news network in the United States. Bit off more then they can chew..... I guess.




The Chicago Way

2009 October 25 by Matthew Vadum

Glenn Beck held forth on his TV show Friday about how the Obama administration has melded Chicago thug politics with its own brand of national political hardball.

“No longer is it a gentlemen’s disagreement that can be debated,” Beck said. “No, you are going to play ball or get a beatdown.”

To illustrate his argument, Beck showed video clips from the classic Chicago gangster movie, The Untouchables.

In one clip, Sean Connery’s character explains

You wanna get Capone? Here’s how you get him: He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. That’s the Chicago way! That’s how you get Capone!

Obama himself has paraphrased these lines.

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said at a Philadelphia fundraiser in June of last year.

The Chicago Way has come to Washington.

Examples abound.

An ”anonymous” White House source threw the Democrat running for Virginia governor, Creigh Deeds, under the bus, Beck said. The source said Deeds has run a lousy campaign. It was a preemptive move intended to shield the Obama administration from criticism in the likely event that Deeds goes down to defeat in next month’s election.

A while ago President Obama said nice things about the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The small businesses the group represents ”fuel our prosperity. And that’s why they must be at the forefront of our recovery.” But when the Chamber broke with Obama on the economy destroying cap-and-trade bill and dared to oppose socialist medicine they earned a place on the president’s enemies list. Beck showed Obama saying

They are very good at this because that is how business has been done in Washington for a very long time. In fact, over the past 10 years alone, the Chamber has spent nearly half a billion dollars on lobbying — half a billion dollars.

Then when the American Medical Association came out against ObamaCare, the president denounced the group’s members. Of doctors, Obama said

You come in and you’ve got a bad sore throat or your child has a bad sore throat or has repeated sore throats — the doctor may look at the reimbursement system and say to himself, you know what, I make a lot more money if I take this kid’s tonsils out.

When Fox News covered the news –as it’s supposed to do– Obama declared war on the network and sent his henchman, Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod, to attack Fox on TV talk shows.

Beck said Obama took the unprecedented step of trying to exclude Fox News from the press pool last week. “ That shocking move prompted a reaction from the press that had even me standing up and cheering,” he said. Beck was referring to the other networks that stood together and told the White House that if Fox was excluded from the pool they would withdraw from the pool.

Thuggery can be resisted.

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - US Lawmakers Demand B Hussein Block Goldstone Report In the UNSC
10/27/2009 8:53:12 AM
Hello Friends,

Goldstone and his infamous "Goldstone Report" are to be discussed in the UN Security Council. The Human Rights Commission led by the most gruesome of dictators and violators of human rights in the world have mad a "sport" of accusing Israel of a myriad of crimes while in fact the only criminals are those trying to indite Israel.

The Goldstone committee had as members open supporters of Hamas and during testimony disregarded proof of Israel's innocence and accepted the hearsay "evidence" of Hamas members as proof with nothing factual in hand. The "verdict" of the Goldstone Report was known in advance and the quisling Goldstone is now trying to straddle both sides of the fence with little success.

B Hussein and his regime are giving lip service to downplay the Goldstone Report but their actions in the Security Council are not known due to his love of all that is Muslim and his fear of angering the Muslim world.

Luckily there are still US lawmakers from both parties that have retained their ethics and are demanding that the United States block the Goldstone Report in the Security Council.

Listen to the video with true facts about the Gaza conflict that was known to the Goldstone committee but of course disregarded.




U.S. lawmakers: Block Goldstone report

WASHINGTON (JTA) -- Top Democratic and Republican foreign affairs leaders in the U.S. Congress are calling on the Obama administration to quash the Goldstone report.

A non-binding resolution introduced last Friday by U.S. Rep. Howard Berman (D-Calif.), the chairman of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, and Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.), the committee's ranking Republican, "calls on the President and the Secretary of State to strongly and unequivocally oppose any further consideration of the 'Report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict' and any other measures stemming from this report in multilateral fora."

Also signing on as sponsors were the Middle East subcommittee's chairman and ranking member, Reps. Gary Ackerman (D-N.Y.) and Dan Burton (R-Ind.).

The report, by a fact-finding mission led by human rights prosecutor Richard Goldstone, alleges Israel and Hamas committed war crimes in last winter's Gaza war. The Obama administration has called the report flawed, but also says it raises allegations that deserve to be addressed by the parties to the conflict.

The administration is opposed to furthering the report in international committees but has stopped short of unequivocally blocking such consideration.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
10/27/2009 6:20:14 PM

Socialists have declared jihad on our economic prosperity, US dollar, Constitution, Sovereignty

By Jayme Evans Monday, October 19, 2009

There used to be a time in this country, not that long ago, when, despite our religious, cultural and societal differences, there were at least a few basic tenets upon which we, as Americans, could all agree. We could locate our borders, we spoke a common language and shared a common understanding of our Founders and constitutionalism.

There was no confusion over what constituted acts of heroism and patriotism. Conversely, we also understood and clearly recognized, evil, greed, treason and hypocrisy.

But, alas, the beloved country that was so united in my youth has become a cesspool of unabated and accelerating filth, selfishness, decadence and immorality. The scoundrels that supposedly represent us don’t even have the decency to tell us the truth, read the laws they use to enslave us or listen to our objections.

Some, including myself, have described what Obama and his Socialists are up to as a bloodless coup. But, after further evaluation of what’s really going on behind the scenes in Washington, I have come to an even more alarming conclusion: What they are doing is committing legislative jihad.

Socialists have declared jihad on our economic prosperity

The stinkulus was a failure: The jobs it did create came at astronomical cost or simply grew the bureaucracy. Government now controls major players in several sectors of the economy with no signs of easing that control. Government spending now comprises alarming percentages of our Gross Domestic Product. We’ve ran out of money, we’ve essentially accumulated over 100 trillion dollars in unfunded future entitlements, foreclosures have accelerated and we continue to bleed jobs. Add to the mix, health care, one sixth of the entire US economy, and it doesn’t take an economist to see where Democrats are taking us.

Socialists have declared jihad on the US dollar

They have printed or borrowed their way into such a deep hole, and have devalued our currency to such an extent, that other countries are now worried about our economic sustainability and have quietly called for oil to be traded in other currencies. Obama’s redistributionist policies increase the danger. The more dollars we simply pump into circulation out of thin air to give to the less fortunate in the form of subsidies, $250.00 stimulus checks, credits for homes, vehicles or appliances, the further our purchasing power erodes. And, the further they drive us into insolvency, the louder they carp for additional spending. If Barack Obama doesn’t stop spending, the dollars in your wallets, purses and bank accounts will be worth less than the ink used to print them.

Socialists have declared jihad on the Constitution and attack on several fronts

Barack Obama still fights the release of any personal information, despite increasing questions over a possible foreign birth and his media lackeys continue to bury the controversy and scrub references to it from websites. The TARP program was unconstitutional, as was directing TARP funds to auto companies, allowing both Congress and their union lapdogs to bail out their pension funds, while the Supreme Court took a nap. I also question the constitutionality of compulsory health care. This would be the first time in US history, that Americans would be forced to purchase something.

In a Nixonian twist, Socialists have declared jihad on the First Amendment rights of Fox News, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and many other Americans in feeble attempts to silence them. They illegally collected the email addresses and illegally accessed the records of private citizens in an attempt to intimidate them. Like impudent little children, they’ve blurred the distinction between hard news and opinion. They refuse to engage skeptics on Fox, which only deepens resentment, wastes an opportunity and hurts their cause. Silencing the opposition is Stalinist. It is un-American. It won’t work, it could result in civil rights litigation and will only rally support for the opposition.

The Socialists have declared jihad on our sovereignty

They’ve declared their intent at Amnesty for a deluge of illegal aliens as soon as the other dozen or so manufactured crises ease a bit. Obama also narcissistically accepted what is now an irrelevant piece of European attic trash, the Nobel Peace Prize, despite his own admission he didn’t deserve it. Obama has also continued to denigrate us internationally, apologizing and capitulating to Russia, China, the UN and other European snobocracies. At the same time, he has openly snubbed some of our most steadfast allies, Canada, Israel, Czechoslovakia and Poland.

The Socialists have declared jihad on the CIA

They continue to weaken, hamper and demoralize our clandestine services through power grabs, investigations and threats of public disclosure, which would actually put covert agents in danger.

The Socialists have declared jihad on Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and state’s rights by trying to strip him of his power to enforce the law within his own jurisdiction because they don’t like his no nonsense style.

The Socialists have declared jihad on insurance companies

Despite the mountain of BS they’ve built over the practical effects of their “reforms”, an objective observer can only conclude that the private insurance market will be destroyed and government will then step in and take control. Claims of the Baucus’ Bill’s “deficit neutrality”, which used only one year’s worth of calculations, were complete lies, yet paved the way for a vote that ultimately advanced this garbage.

The Socialists have declared jihad on the Middle Class

Health care reform won’t cover “everyone”, deficit neutrality is a smokescreen and your premiums and taxes must skyrocket to pay for it. Why would government need to subsidize health care for those earning over $50,000.00 per annum? Because those people are going to need it. Cap and Trade is a tax on your very existence and will further kill jobs, raise taxes, destroy small businesses and hike the production costs of virtually everything in existence.

The Socialists have declared jihad on the truth

They’ve promised sunlight. They’ve promised ethics. They’ve promised transparency. They’ve promised to post legislative text and give us time to review it. They’ve delivered squat. Obama fired Inspector General Gerald Walpin for allegedly getting too close to the truth and then his minions painted Walpin as senile. His lapdogs in government, media and academia bury everything negative, scrub websites of damaging info, put impostors in lab coats for press conferences, indoctrinate children and they’ve openly admitted they don’t even read the legislation they oppress us with. They draft 1,000 page bills they themselves can’t even understand. And, sadly, Barack Obama isn’t even man enough to take responsibility for his own actions, still blaming the previous administration for his job-killing agenda and every other problem he faces. Perhaps we should begin reversing every one of Obama’s Executive Orders, scrutinize his every decision and investigate his Attorney General and his three dozen Czars the moment he leaves office? That seems to be the precedent he wants to set with this chicanery.

The Socialists have declared jihad on the US. military

They tried but failed to force a premature withdrawal in Iraq and they’re attempting, and may succeed in doing the same thing in Afghanistan. While they dither, US combat forces continue to die in unacceptable numbers and treasonous snakes in Congress divert money meant for ammunition and spare parts to a library for one of the nation’s most divisive dead senators and other pet pork projects. Eventually, if allowed, Democrats will force open homosexuality on the military, affecting readiness, destroying unit cohesion and morale and causing a mass exodus.

The Socialists have declared jihad on race relations

Who can forget Obama’s ignorant, irresponsible and utterly wrong comments about the infamous Gates/Crowley affair? Criticizing this Socialist muckraker for anything, even policy, has now been equated to racism. Who, in their right mind, will ever vote for another black president, if even their policies are above criticism?

What I have presented above is a ****ing indictment of the tyrannical power power structure and Chicago mob-mentality that is destroying this nation from within. And, this only scratches the surface. What Obama and liberal Democrats are doing isn’t change. He doesn’t love this country and he isn’t interested in equal opportunity, only equal outcome. He is a closet Marxist who hates this country and must transform it into something else . If he was being honest and open about his beliefs, that would be one thing. But, he ran as a moderate. What he’s doing is dishonest. It’s hypocritical. It’s criminal. It’s treason. It’s sedition.

So, the question then becomes what do you do about it? Do you, as an American, roll over and allow them to destroy your country or do you stand and resist?

Every living veteran who served to preserve our way of life; all 26 million of you must resist Barack Obama’s agenda.
Every active duty military officer, who objects to his social experimentation and battlefield indecision must resist Barack Obama’s agenda.
Every single police officer ordered to profile domestic terror suspects based on possession of a political bumper sticker or concealed carry permit must resist Barack Obama’s agenda.
Every single American asked to tank business deals or destroy someone’s livelihood through litigation, intimidation or invasions of privacy, like so many have done to Americans like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Carrie Prejean, Joe Wuzelbacher, Hannah Giles, must resist Barack Obama’s agenda.
Every single God-Fearing Christian, tired of the attacks on your religion, tired of the suppression of your freedom to assemble, tired of the silencing of your prayers and destruction of your monuments must resist Barack Obama’s agenda.
Every single politician and other government official throughout local, state, and federal governments, who believes that the constitution and the Rule of law trumps the Cult of Personality must resist Barack Obama’s agenda.
Every single voter who put their trust in this man and now feels betrayed, must resist Barack Obama’s agenda.

There is still time to save this great nation, but the clock is ticking. The pace of the socialist takeover is accelerating. The time for complacency and standing on the sidelines is gone. Richard Nixon resigned and Bill Clinton was impeached for far less.

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Jayme Evans is a veteran of the United States Navy, military analyst, conservative columnist and an advocate and voice for disabled and other veterans. He has served for many years as a Subject Matter Expert in systems software testing, and currently serves as a technical lead in that capacity. He has extensively studied amateur astronomy and metallurgy, as well as military and US history.

Jayme can be reached at:

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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Peter Fogel

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RE: Hsig - Congressman Thinks All Republicans And Fox News Are The "Enemy"
10/28/2009 9:03:39 AM

Hello Jim,

Thanks for sharing that excellent article. You can't but agree with everything Jayme Evans writes and especially his use of the term Jihad. It's an all out Marxistic/Socialistic Jihad and we can add to that the Islamic Jihad with all the Muslim Jihadists he has on his staff.

This past week we've seen how they are Mao lovers and believe in his little red book. And no surprise when you see B Hussein's thuggery and gangland tactics.

I believe you'll find the below article interesting since it concerns a Congressman from Florida's 8th district. These people have to be kicked out ASAP. He considers you and anyone that thinks like you as the enemy and has plans for you as you'll see.

Thank God B Hussein the great pretender's ratings keep on sinking proving that the "enemy" isn't happy with the current regime.




Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson Wants FOX News (and Republicans) to “Die, Die, Die You Rebel Scum!”

2009 October 26 by Scott Michaels

Grayson: “You know…FOX News and their Republican collaborators are the enemy of America. They’re the enemy of anybody who cares about health care in this country, the enemy of anybody who cares about educating their children, the enemy of everybody who wants energy independence, anything … good for this country. And they’re certainly the enemy of peace, there’s no doubt about that. They ARE the enemy.”

I’ve seen people like Alan Grayson, the Democratic Representative from Florida’s 8th Congressional District, before. For example, I once attended an event held by Michigan Congressman John Conyers in the southern, suburban, part of his district. The tone of that event was brimming with the implication that Republicans should immediately be sent off to some type of reeducation camp. Grayson’s certainly headed in that general direction, it seems to me.

Grayson made his comments the other day to Ed Schultz, who’s one of a bevy of MSNBC in-house radical leftist commentators. Such wild comments certainly reflect the views of many leftists in Congress these days. They’re the normal way of speaking on the part of most, if not all, “progressive Democrats,” in other words.

To me, Grayson also appears to be some sort of kitsch Marxist, mainly because he speaks a variation of the language found in mainline Marxism–but one that’s more focused on gaining an advantage by playing to several non-standard resentments (like race, gender, and sexual orientation) rather than working-class exploitation by the ruling classes. Soon enough, with these folks, the Molotov cocktails come out and we’re all undergoing reeducation “for our own good.”

Grayson and just about every other member of his party in the Congress these days seem to strike out blindly whenever their most sacred goal — universal health care (masked as “health insurance reform”) — comes under perceived threat by any one of the so-called “enemies.” In this case, the enemy appears to be FOX News and the Republicans. Last summer it was Nancy Pelosi’sangry mob” that showed up at town halls, Tea Parties and the big 9/12 March on Washington DC.

Certainly, we’ve heard a lot of talk from “progressive” Democrats like Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, California Senator Barbara Boxer and a host of others of like mind in the House of Representatives about “tea-baggers,” “Nazis” (Pelosi), “Evil-mongers” (Reid) and all others who disagree with them. We’re the enemy, according to Grayson. Some representative of the common man he appears to be, hmmmm? Too bad folks like him are all over the Congress these days.

I think we can learn a lot about progressives like Grayson by watching them when they’re caught in an unguarded moment, as he was in his conversation with Schultz. When pushed, they eagerly show they’re the ones who’ll be the first to take extreme measures in the name of their version of peace and harmony. At the least, they certainly seem thin-skinned about things. But forewarned is forearmed, and we can beat their bad ideas with better ideas of our own. It appears we’ve been doing just that, too, if current polls are correct.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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