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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - "The English Defense League - Manchester 10/10/2009
10/10/2009 10:49:56 PM

Hello Friends,

I received this video from a very good friend just a few minutes ago and felt it important to pass it on immediately.

It seems that in England people are saying enough and aren't willing to suffer Islamic Jihad anymore. It's about time and I hope that similar groups will do the the same in the USA and other European countries.

For my English friends check out the The English Defense League - in the Spirit Of St. George. They are starting their fight against Islams goal of world domination in Manchester on October 10, 2009.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - The Emperor Is Naked - Adapted for B Hussein
10/10/2009 11:05:05 PM
Hello Friends,

I just read the below article by Barry Rubin about the naked emperor revisedand adapted for B Hussein the great pretender.

It is a good read and depicts events as they occurred and the results that many of us know and warned about. Unfortunately there are some that still believe the naked emperor is fully clothed in fineries.

Sad but true.



Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Tale for Our Time: The Emperor's New Clothes, Adapted for The Barack Obama Era

The Emperor's New Clothes

Adapted by Barry Rubin from Jean Hersholt's translation of Hans Christian Andersen's story, "Keiserens nye Klæder"

Many years ago there was a man who wanted to be Emperor, for according to the peculiar customs of that country of which I speak, the Emperor was elected. Fortunately for him, and unfortunately for many others, the man met a couple of political consultants who saw him as the ideal client. Together they would ride to the heights of power.

To become Emperor, they explained, required a good image, a fine manner of speaking, and a handsome appearance. But in those days before television, radio, the Internet, etc., a man’s image depended mainly on his clothes.

It was a lucky coincidence that the man was exceedingly fond of clothes. He cared nothing about the disposition of his soldiers, the prestige of his country, or the welfare of his citizens except to show off his own magnificence.

The two political consultants came up with a brilliant strategy. They let it be known that they were weavers, and said they could weave the most magnificent fabrics imaginable. Not only were their colors and patterns uncommonly fine, but also clothes made of this cloth had a wonderful way of becoming invisible to anyone who was dumb, unfashionable, or possessed of some type of bigotry.

Those who were unusually stupid—people from small towns, for example, who were exceedingly fond of guns and praying, as well as supporters of the previous king—would not be able to see the clothes either.

They set up two looms and pretended to weave, though there was nothing on the looms. All the finest silk and the purest old thread were delivered to them but then given away to groups that supported them, while they worked the empty looms far into the night.

"I'd like to know how those weavers are getting on with the cloth," the journalists thought, but they felt slightly uncomfortable when they remembered that those who were fools, incompetents, or, worse yet, unfashionable would be unable to see the fabric. Nevertheless, they all eagerly accepted the invitation to see the new clothes during the election campaign.

So they rushed into the room where the candidate stood wearing the clothes, that is to say wearing nothing since there were no such clothes.

"Heaven help me," the reporters thought, "I can't see anything at all". But they did not say so.

The political consultants begged them to come near to approve the excellent pattern, the beautiful colors. They pointed to the candidate and the reporters stared as hard as they dared. They couldn't see anything, because there was nothing to see. "Heaven have mercy," they thought. "Can it be that I'm a fool? I'd have never guessed it, and not a soul must know. Am I unfit to be a member of the elite? It would never do to let on that I can't see the cloth."

"Don't hesitate to tell us what you think of it," said one of the consultants.

"Oh, it's beautiful! It's enchanting!" The journalists raved, breaking into applause. Some felt chills running up their legs. "Such a pattern, what colors! I'll be sure to tell the readers and viewers how delighted I am with it."

"We're pleased to hear that," the consultants said. They proceeded to name all the colors and to explain the intricate pattern. The consultants described how these were the colors of Change and this was the cloth of Hope. The journalists took extensive notes so that they could be sure to inform the public of what a great man the candidate was and how he was doing them a favor offering to be their emperor. And so they did.

To make matters even more exciting, the candidate spoke, reading the words that the consultants had written for him from a cunning little mechanism they had made which allowed him to look at a mirror and see the words that had been written down. The journalists were awed by his great powers of speech, by his slogans, and by his ideas though later they could not quite succeed in remembering what he said or explaining precisely what specific practical ideas were uttered.

Soon all the kingdom was talking about the candidate, his splendid suit of clothes, his brilliant manner of speaking, and how he would solve all their problems.

The candidate then attended a huge rally of his frantic supporters. "Magnificent," said the crowd. After all, each one said: "Am I so stupid? Shall I let my colleagues and neighbors know that I cannot see the beauty of the design, the magnificence of the speech, the greatness of the ideas?" And they applauded wildly.

As the candidate paraded through the streets, the words, "Magnificent! Excellent! Unsurpassed!" were bandied from mouth to mouth, and everyone did his best to seem well pleased.

The consultants pointed to each item in turn during background briefings they gave with donators of large sums of money, too. They raised their arms as if they were holding something. They said, "These are the trousers, here's the coat, and this is the hat," naming each garment. "They are as light as a spider web. One would almost think he had nothing on, but that's what makes them so fine."

"Exactly," all the great men of the kingdom agreed, though they could see nothing, for there was nothing to see.

And so the Emperor was elected and everyone was pleased. The clothes and the special machine they had made served him well. He didn't actually do anything but so marvellous did everyone think his suit of splendor that no one demanded more.

Then he toured other countries and they too cheered him and admired the clothes. For he agreed with all that they said and told them that they had been right and all the previous emperors, about whom he apologized, had been wrong.

True, there was one parade where all did not go quite well. At first, everything was as usual. The king put on his special clothes. He turned for one last look in the mirror. "It is a remarkable fit, isn't it?"

The noblemen agreed. They didn't dare admit they saw nothing to praise.

So off went the Emperor in procession. Everyone in the streets and the windows said, "Oh, how fine are the Emperor's new clothes! Don't they fit him to perfection!" Nobody would confess that he couldn't see anything, for that would prove him either unfit for his position if he was an official; unfashionable if he was a member of the elite; or a fool if he was one of the common folk. No costume the Emperor had worn before, and no Emperor, was ever such a complete success.

"But he hasn't got anything on," a little child said.

"Did you ever hear such silliness?" said its father. And one person whispered to another what the child had said, "He hasn't anything on. A child says he hasn't anything on."

"But he hasn't got anything on!" said the child!

"That child is nothing more than a clothingist!" muttered one angry man. "Let's lynch him!" said another.

The Emperor shivered, for he knew they were right. But he also was certain that the nobles and officials and journalists and others would support him. The people cheered--albeit a few less than before--and the Emperor walked more proudly than ever, as his noblemen held high the long cape that wasn't there at all.

Finally, the great day came. The Noble's Committee met and presented him with their highest honor, The Nobel Prize for High Fashion. True, they admitted privately, he didn’t have any clothes on. But he might some day.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Glen Beck Replies To The White House Attack/War On Fox News
10/14/2009 9:07:43 PM
Hello Friends,

It appears that Anita Dunn the White House Communications Director is continuing with her "attack" on Fox News. Personally I believe as I wrote a few days ago that she and the White House are making another tragic mistake but it's not surprising that B Hussein the great pretender and his staff think they can win any skirmish or war.

It appears that even the left main stream media understands that an attack on a news network isn't the smartest for the White House to do but.........

Their main target of course is Glen Beck and here's what he had to say about the latest fiasco of the B Hussein regime.

David Horowitz's NewsReal article is also an interesting read.



Glenn Beck Mocks White House War on Fox News

2009 October 13

by Matthew Vadum


President Obama’s White House declared war on Fox News, and Glenn Beck couldn’t resist the temptation to mock the Obama administration for doing so.

Tearing a page from the Hugo Chavez playbook, White House communications director Anita Dunn said:

We’re going to treat them the way we would treat an opponent. As they are undertaking a war against Barack Obama and the White House, we don’t need to pretend that this is the way that legitimate news organizations behave.


Beck responded on his TV show Monday by heaping ridicule on the famously thin-skinned President Obama’s immature hissyfit:

Write this day down in your journal because this is a new thing We haven’t seen anything like this. OK, yeah, JFK, he did cancel the newspaper one time when he got really upset but then he resubscribed; and there was that enemy list with Nixon but I think the enemy list, I believe the enemy list, that whole thing was who’s not coming to state dinners. Could be wrong. I don’t think that they’ve used White House resources, your tax dollars, to target the media before.

Beck even facetiously circled Fox News headquarters on a map of Manhattan to help President Obama in his war planning. Beck produced toy tanks, toy missiles, and toy attack aircraft and placed them on the map.


Meanwhile, the Sunday edition of the New York Times cited Steven F. Hayward’s Washington Post column on Beck’s influence. The passage cited is telling and worrisome to liberals:

[His] distinctiveness and his potential contribution to conservatism can be summed up with one name: R.J. Pestritto. Pestritto is a young political scientist at Hillsdale College in Michigan whom Beck has had on his TV show several times, once for the entire hour discussing Woodrow Wilson and progressivism. He is among a handful of young conservative scholars, several of whom Beck has also featured, engaged in serious academic work critiquing the intellectual pedigree of modern liberalism. Their writing is often dense and difficult, but Beck not only reads it, he assigns it to his staff. “Beck asks me questions about Hegel, based on what he’s read in my books,” Pestritto told me. Pestritto is the kind of guest Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity would never think of booking.

Okay, so Beck may lack Buckley’s urbanity, and his show will never be confused with “Firing Line.” But he’s on to something with his interest in serious analysis of liberalism’s patrimony. The Left is enraged with Beck’s scandal-mongering over Van Jones and ACORN, but they have no idea that he poses a much bigger threat than that.

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Putin Says Don't "Intimidate" Iran With Sanctions!
10/15/2009 8:51:51 AM
 Hello Friends,

Well another "well planned" foreign policy down the drain for B Hussein the great pretender. Putin who many believe is still the defacto leader of Russia (since he stepped down from the presidency) believes it's "premature" to intimidate Iran with

Was it just last month that B Hussein reneged on the missile defense system in Europe in order to placate, appease and kowtow to Russia? Hmmmm, sorta makes you wonder what "great" idea he'll come up with now when 2 countries are against sanctions (Russia and China) and in fact are helping them to reach their goal of nuclear arms?

He's great at appeasing and demeaning the US in the world and
 the actions of most Western leaders and the Islamic world are taking advantage of it each and every day. Oh, that includes Asian counties too.

Yep, B Hussein certainly deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for that. Helping the world and through his own actions turn the US into a third world country. For that alone he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize in their opinion.

Makes you wonder what B Hussein's next brilliant plan will be?

Even the Palestinians are slapping him in the face since they realize he's powerless to stop them even though they depend on the support of the US. They apparently know he won't desert them regardless of the fact they certainly deserted his sinking ship.



Russia's Putin warns against intimidating Iran

Wed Oct 14, 2009 11:02pm IST

By Darya Korsunskaya

BEIJING (Reuters) - Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin warned major powers on Wednesday against intimidating Iran and said talk of sanctions against the Islamic Republic over its nuclear programme was "premature".

Putin, who many diplomats, analysts, and Russian citizens believe is still Russia's paramount leader despite stepping down as president last year, was speaking after U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Moscow for two days of talks.

"There is no need to frighten the Iranians," Putin told reporters in Beijing after a meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

"We need to look for a compromise. If a compromise is not found, and the discussions end in a fiasco, then we will see."

"And if now, before making any steps (towards holding talks) we start announcing some sanctions, then we won't be creating favourable conditions for them (talks) to end positively. This is why it is premature to talk about this now."

Clinton failed to secure any specific assurances from Russia on Iran during her visit, leaving her open to criticism at home that she had not received anything from Moscow after earlier U.S. concessions on missile defence.

Iranian, Russian, French, U.S. and U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency officials will meet in Vienna on Oct. 19 to discuss how to implement a plan agreed in principle at talks in Geneva for low-grade Iranian uranium to be enriched overseas to a purity suitable for nuclear reactors but not weapons.

The Geneva talks on Oct. 1 also produced Iranian agreement for international inspectors to visit a second enrichment plant now under construction near Qom. Apparent Iranian concession reduced pressure for a widening of economic sanctions some analysts said could be extended to the oil and gas industry.

Clinton said she would have liked to have seen Putin but that their agendas did not coincide. Putin left for a trip to the Russian Far East and China before her arrival in Moscow.

On the contentious issue of missile defence, which has divided Russia and the United States in the past, Putin said he hoped the United States would not renege on its promise to s**** plans for an anti-missile system in central Europe.

"We are being guided by what the head of the American state is saying," Putin said. "He said there would be no anti-missile shield in Europe. We are satisfied by this statement, and to make assumptions what happens next is not quite right."

Moscow had opposed plans by previous U.S. President George W. Bush to deploy interceptor missiles in Poland and a radar in the Czech Republic, viewing this as a direct threat to Russia's national security.

Putin said however Moscow "feels no euphoria" about Bush's successor Barack Obama's promise to roll back the shield plans.

"We treated this decision with reserve, calmly," he said. "In any case, the country's leadership accepted it with understanding and gratitude. We believe this was Obama's right and courageous decision."

(Writing by Guy Faulconbridge and Dmitry Solovyov, editing by Michael Stott and Janet McBride)

Peter Fogel
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Jim Allen

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
10/15/2009 1:45:51 PM

Their schedules and agendas failed to meet the twain'.  LOL, very convenient for and such a statement that Putin headed east and to China knowing the SOS Clinton was coming to discuss Iran.  ROFLMAO and ;-( what a direct slap in the face to Secretary Clinton, the Obama Administration and sadly the US.  Only person those folks will stay in town to see is Obama apologizing for America's success, leadership and protection over the years.

Saturday Night Live should be funny as hell this week.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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