Hello friends,
This is an exercise I use for myself as I learn to be more fully present in each moment. I hope you find it helpful too.
As I write this message to you, I AM fully present in this moment.
As I am practicing this exercise, I am saying the words out loud, which I find helps me to BE more fully present without distractions.
I speak out loud:
"I am fully present in this moment."
I am aware of the chair on which I am sitting and the stool where I have placed my feet.
I feel the keys of the keyboard on which I am typing.
I hear the clicking of the keys.
I see the color of the keyboard.
I feel the mouse in my hand.
I see the words on the screen in front of me.
I am aware of what I want to say to you.
I am aware of copying this message and pasting it into an email window.
I am aware of where I need to send this message.
I am aware of who will receive it.
I am grateful for the opportunity to share with YOU.
"I am fully present in this moment."
I am also aware that I hope you find this exercise helpful.
Many blessings to you!