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The Feature Of The Week - 6th Edition!
8/30/2005 11:29:04 AM
Greetings to everyone at AdlandPro from Kathy Martin and John Sanchez! It’s that time again. Sorry we are a couple days late with the Feature of the Week. We were hoping that the polling site would be ready but it’s not so we are going to go ahead and feature the person who got the most nominations. But before I tell you who the winner is I want to let the new members know what the Feature of the Week is about. The reason we created this forum was to honor people who have a positive influence on this community. To qualify the person has to be an active member and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here AdlandPro. Here are the criteria for selecting a member for the Feature of the Week (also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW). This criterion can be seen at the site below: How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week? To be chosen as Person of the week you: · Are highly visible on the community · Are Always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful. · Must be nominated for the program by another member of the Community and voted on by other members. ********************************************** Now the envelope please… and the winner is Greer Trumble! Greer is no stranger to most of us here at AdlandPro. He is the sharp dress man known as “Man with the Bow Tie”. Greer is a close friend of ours who has come to our aide more than once. He is a friend we know we can count on through thick and thin. Our friend Greer is one of the chosen Experts of AdlandPro. He gives freely of his time to educate us in HTML, a topic that is of great value to up and coming Webmasters. His knowledge of computers is vast, everything from the hardware to the software. Greer is also a very professional and intelligent individual whose wisdom and generosity has blessed many of us here in our community. Greer was long due for this honor we our bestowing on him today. It is with warm hearts and sincere gratitude that we say congratulations Greer you are this week’s Feature of the Week! Enjoy! Greer Trumble’s Bio: Family: I have been married for 21 great years to my lovely wife, Mary, who teaches. We have a daughter -- Sarah, who is currently a student at UNC-Chapel Hill and is doing an overseas study abroad program in Germany, and a son -- David, who is more like me every day -- but he'd probably never admit it!! Mary is from Georgia and I'm from Texas, so we have extended family throughout the SW/SE U.S. I have strong family values and business ethics. I like to help other people. Programming experience: During the technical phase of my career (1972 - 1984), I used machine and assembly language to diagnose and upgrade various cryptographic, communications and missile system target intercept computers. In the early 80s, I participated in development of the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) ARPANET system which was a precursor to the Internet. I taught digital computer fundamentals at the U.S. Army Missile Command in the early 80s, as well. My interests began to gravitate from equipment circuitry to software development and modification. In the mid 80s, I was a system administrator for a military LAN/WAN (SCO XENIX) network in Germany. I was the one that figured out how to interface the local LANs with the German telephone system, for a larger WAN configuration. I took a graduate Pascal course at Boston University, Heidleberg. After that, my interest in software development continued as a personal avocation because my career took a turn toward functional logistics management. I have volunteered for projects at Source Forge and bought and used many programming language compilers including Unified Modeling Language (UML), Visual Basic 5, Visual C++ 5/6, Linux C++, HTML and its variants, some Java, and scripting languages such as PERL/PHP (scripts mostly in the installation and modification mode). I have read through many programming tutorial type books, and completed personal programming projects using UML, VB6, VC6, Linux C++, HTML, etc. Employment History: -- 30+ years U.S. federal service -- In 1972, started out in the U.S. Navy advanced electronics program, included all frequency spectrums/crypto/digital. Honorable Discharge, 1977. -- 1977 - 1982, Field Engineer, Raytheon for IHAWK/PATRIOT MSL WP SYS -- system qualified. -- 1982 - 1984, World-wide Missile System Technical Integrator, U.S. Army Missile Command. -- 1984 - 1990, Logistician, U.S. Army Materiel Command (emergency essential, world-wide mobiltiy program). -- 1990 - 1999, Logistics Management Division Chief, U.S. Army Special Operations Command. -- 1999 - Present, Deputy G-4, U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center & School. Formal Education: 1982 MSBA (Bus.Admin.), Boston University. 1979 BAS Resource Management, Troy State University. 1978 BA Management, Park College. U.S. Army Leadership Training Completed: National Security Management, National Defense University Military/Technical Training: USN Advanced Electronics Program USN Cryptographic Equipment USN Certified as Electronics Technician on 50 radios Petty Officer Leadership Raytheon IHAWK/PATRIOT MSL WP SYS Field Engineer Courses IHAWK MSL WP SYS Software Block X Upgrade (machine language/assembly) U.S. Army Missile Command Technical Writing Course U.S. Army Missile Command Digital Computer Fundamentals Course (ZILOG Z80 chipset) INTEL 310 System Administrator Level III (XENIX OS) *********************************************** Quite impressive, huh! Congratulations Greer! John Sanchez and Kathy Martin
Lisa Westberry

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Re: The Feature Of The Week - 6th Edition!
8/30/2005 11:39:18 AM
Excellent Choice John! Congratulations too Greer. Truly a dedicated Spirit. Your Friend, Lee
Eileen H

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Re: The Feature Of The Week - 6th Edition!
8/30/2005 11:44:54 AM
Wow John! what a bio Greer has there. Great Choice. Greer has helped many of people here with different issues. Congratulations to the Sharp Dresses Man! Have a Good week Greer :)
Michael Rogers

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Re: The Feature Of The Week - 6th Edition!
8/30/2005 11:49:23 AM
Hello John & Kathy, Congratulations to Greer! This is another excellent choice John & Kathy, Greer is a true gentleman in every sense of the word. Thank you for this invitation, and for all the work you two do, to make Adland the best community on the internet. have a great week ahead respectfully,
Re: The Feature Of The Week - 6th Edition!
8/30/2005 12:17:59 PM
******************************************** Folks, Here are the links to Greer's profile and Website: Please invite Greer to be your friend if he isn't already on your list of friends and please take the time to visit his website. Thanks! Kathy Martin and John Sanchez ********************************************

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