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The patented and lucrative business program
1/6/2009 5:00:01 AM

Berry Tree (the patented and lucrative business program of Nutronix International and AutomaticBuilder) is proud to announce the launch of its new alternative product, to the coral calcium O2 proformance Hydration supplement, known as Berry Green Boost (BGB).

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BGB Is A New Berry Flavored NuGreens Product

Berry Flavored NuGreens (Berry Green Boost) is a nutrient-rich super food supplement that optimizes pH for stimulant-free health and surpasses the nutrition of five servings of fruits and vegetables without the calories or carbohydrates. Green food supplements, when properly formulated, are among the world's most nutrient-rich and beneficial superfoods on the planet. A quality green food supplement is a concentrated storehouse of these important phytonutrients and the minerals, vitamins, fiber, enzymes, carotenoids, and antioxidants that are stripped from modern day food.

Berry Green Boost is very rich in chlorophyll, which is often called "The Blood" of plants. The molecular structure of chlorophyll is the same as human blood with the exception of the center atom, which is magnesium rather than iron. Your body has the ability to convert the center atom of chlorophyll with iron to form and build the blood. Chlorophyll helps the blood cells deliver oxygen throughout the body. BGB has four times the power of ordinary green food products. Many green food supplements are made only from dehydrated whole leaf powder but berry flavored NuGreens is made from juice powder. Berry Green Boost emerges as the standard in green superfoods, your source of these valuable nutrients is just a spoonful away.

"Drink Your Veggies"

One of the best ways to regain and maintain pH balance is to consume plenty of greens. Unfortunately, most of us don't take the time to sit down and munch on enough green vegetables in order to experience the true health benefits of them. One of the most convenient and economical ways to solve this problem is to "drink your veggies" by making a healthy, alkalizing drink with Berry Green Boost. Greens are some of the most alkalizing, nutrient-dense foods on earth. Green grasses infuse your body with easily absorbed vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fiber, chlorophyll, enzymes, phytonutrients, and alkaline minerals that help to neutralize acids in the blood and tissues. BGB also has a delicious berry flavored taste unlike other greens products on the market.

By drinking a healthy green drink, you're infusing your body with plenty of enzymes that are needed for just about every chemical activity in your body. An easy way to get plenty of greens is by making a healthy tasty green drink with berry flavored NuGreens. If you want to really alkalize your green juice powder, add O2 proformance Hydration to it - you'll make it 50 times more alkalizing.

Try it for yourself. It's exclusively found through joining The Berry Tree. Please click on the link here >> Join The Berry Tree at the top of the page to secure your product today.

Berry Green Boost Ingredients:

Organic Wheat Grass Juice Powder

• High in Chlorophyll, natures most health-promoting nutrient (An Advanced Phyto-Nutrient Rich Superfood).
• Contains 20 amino acids.
• Provides several hundred different enzymes not found in other foods.
• Contains as many as 90 out of the possible 102 minerals.
• A complete food rich in essential vitamins, minerals, complete protein, fiber, enzymes, fatty acids, phytonutrients and more.
• Rich in SOD (superoxide dismutase), a potent free radical scavenging antioxidant.

Organic Barley Grass Juice Powder

• Rich in aggressive free radical scavenging, anti-aging, cardio- and cancer-protective antioxidants.
• Loaded with active digestive and metabolic enzymes.
• Contains nearly 70 minerals plus an ultra-dense source of vitamins.
• Blocks the absorption of cholesterol.
• Restores acid/alkaline balance in the intestinal tract.

Organic Kamut Grass Juice Powder

• A non-hybrid, heirloom wheat grass (first consumed by the Egyptians.)
• Highest pH of all green foods - regulates pH balance.
• Rich in metabolic enzymes.
• Contains high levels of trace minerals.
• A good source of magnesium, zinc, vitamins B1, B2, B3 and E.

Organic Alfalfa Juice Powder

• High in calcium, protein, iron, B-complexes, copper, and zinc.
• Rich in metabolic enzymes and fiber
• Has been used by the Chinese since the 6th century to treat kidney stones, relieve fluid retention and swelling.
• A good source of trace minerals.

Organic Spirulina

• Grown in mineral rich alkaline water with a pH of 10.0.
• Very high chlorophyll content.
• Contains most of the nutrients necessary to sustain life.
• Is 65% bio-available protein by weight.

BGB Benefits:

• Great Berry Flavored Taste
• Increased Energy
• Mental Clarity
• Weight Loss
• Balanced Blood Sugar
• Strengthened Immune System
• Improved Digestion

Greens - Why Are They Important?

The National Academy of Sciences urges adults to eat a wholesome variety of greens and fruits every day. These foods, if properly grown, selected, and delivered, are bundles of natural health filled with the wisdom of nature.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) declared that nutrient-dense greens such as spinach and kale and berries, particularly blueberries, may be beneficial in slowing the signs of mental and physical aging. In addition to the USDA and the National Academy of Sciences, The American Heart Association, American Cancer Society and American Diabetes Association also urge people to consume more greens and fruits in their daily diets, and many responsible voices also urge that these foods are best if certified organic and grown "naturally," not chemically.

Welcome to the Berry Green Boost experience, an easy and delicious way to get an advanced Phyto-Nutrient Rich Superfood into one's system, and get on the path to wholesome greens and fruits, every day! Berry Green Boost is designed specifically to help support those who want a Health Promoting, Energizing, Cleansing, Immune Enhancing, Alkaline Promoting, BGB provides powerful bioactive Phyto-Nutrients.*

Again, you can only obtain this product exclusively through joining The Berry Tree. Please click on the link here >> Join The Berry Tree. << or at the top of the page to secure your product today.
