
Kathleen Vanbeekom

13305 Posts
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Person Of The Week
1/11/2009 6:37:20 PM

Hi again this week, Stephen!


What if I told you that it would only take a one-time $12 payment to help you become a millionaire?  What if you could accomplish that in a short amount of time?  Could you tell 14 people about it?  How long would it take you to get 14 people to sign up for a one-time $12 investment?  Go here to MAMMOTH LIST and reserve your signup, or do a complete signup if you already have an AlertPay account:

You need an AlertPay account to get your money from Mammoth List.  Open an AlertPay account at and then remember to verify your bank account in a few days.  THEN complete your signup with MAMMOTH LIST.  Don't forget, write it down and do it!  YOUR MILLION BUCKS depends upon you taking a few simple steps!!

Then tell as many people as you can to join Mammoth List.  It only costs $12 ONE TIME. 

Look at the Income Calculator on the Mammoth List site and type in 14 and 14, if we each get 14 signups thru all levels, we will each accumulate more than $1,000,000.  I had my 14 signups within 2 weeks of joining, so did my upline sponsor. 

IF YOU  JUST GET 1 signup daily for 2 weeks, and all your downliners do the same, we can all have over $1,000,000 in about 3 weeks from now!! 

BECOME A MILLIONAIRE THIS YEAR!  Let's see if it can happen by February.  I can't think of any easier way to become a millionaire than by telling 14 people about a $12 business!


New Reply
1/16/2009 8:41:10 AM
$100K Potential, Global Opp, Niche Website, Top-Level Domain, Own A City Shopper Franchise

Select one:

Your hometown city name, community name, county name, surburb
name, state name, country name

In the address bar go to or

Do a search on your city name.  

Then look at the page results.

It will read one of 10 of hundreds, thousands or millions of
page results. The key is to have two keywords with over
two million page results each, with the first word being
used in the consumers type in search phrase while the second
word reflects your website content and reflects the persons
search results. 

Example: If I were to Google search New York, the results
would show:
Results 1 - 10 of about 962,000,000 for New York

Your hometown name is the first word in your Brandchise Domain
that people will type in their search phrase.

Now, Google search our selection of key rich shopping themes.

Example: If I were to Google search SHOPPER, the results would show:
Results 1 - 10 of about 123,000,000 for Shopper

When combined, you have two generic keywords that are short, has meaning,
easy to remember, easy to spell and highly impacts contextual sponsored ads.

Brandchise Shopping Domains reflects:

All products, services, goods, affiliate programs, affiliate networks, affiliate
marketing, Google custom search engine people search, how to make money
from home programs.

Now, combine the two words and Google search " New York Shopper ".

The page results are going to drop when the two names
are applied together.
Results 1 - 10 of about 23,500,000
for New York Shopper.

Any combination of less of 2 million page results is a

Climb to the top of the search engines and be next to your local area
Chamber of Commerce. Capture your share of quality type in search
engine traffic looking for your products, goods or services.

Success starts with the right business name with a professional business plan.

You Build It - They will come!

The Golden Parachute for Hometown Main Street.

Yes, you can be first to own your Brandchise Domain to your
and climb your way to the top of the search engines
to your community.  Discover your city - Be discovered!

$100K Potential, Global Opp, Niche Website, Top-Level Domain, Own A City Shopper Franchise
Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
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