
Here's How My Friend Signed Up 95+ People In 3 Days.
1/3/2009 10:55:20 PM

Frankly, I haven't heard of to many people in network marketing ever signing up 95 people in less than 3 days.

But no joke... my friend pulled it off less than 3 months ago for the launch of the last company he joined.

It was total, all out chaos for 3 days.

He had his phones ringing OFF the hook.  Credit cards were being written
down like you wouldn't believe...

Literally, people were just getting plugged in left and right.  It was a CRAZY 3 days for him, and since... his group has grown to over 2,000 people my first 5 months in this company.

The crazy part is... I'm sharing with you exactly how he did it.  You can
find out here:

I've created a large part of my success from simply FOLLOWING what other
people were doing that was WORKING.

When I saw something worked, I dug my feet in and started doing the same
thing myself.

Again... here is how to copy my friends exact strategies...

I highly suggest you learn from people who have pulled off incredible feats if you want to do the same thing yourself.

Yours In True Success,
Christopher Reid
+61 0402 523 688

P.S. The crazy part is... If I had a teacher when I was just getting started who knows where I would be right now...

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Re: Here's How My Friend Signed Up 95+ People In 3 Days.
1/6/2009 3:19:46 AM
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