Greetings Michael.
Years ago, I tried developing a forum here, to teach people how to write better. I am astounded all the time by how people butcher the English language, through laziness.
My forum failed. I was told by others things like: Who cares if I don't capitalize, or punctuate? I tried to impress upon others that the way you present yourself online, through your words, is a direct reflection on you, and as I always tell my children... People will think you are as intelligent as you speak. That is true of the way you write as well.
No one wanted to be taught, they just wanted to criticize me, for trying to teach. I closed the forum. The one forum I do have, is not very popular, because I moderate it and won't allow advertising.
So, it seems to me that people here and everywhere are lacking in understanding the concept of networking. Networking is not advertising; it is about building relationships, and sadly it seems to me that people only want to establish relationships with those who are willing to join their program. first. So very sad.
Of the political forums I have participated in, politics seemed to get thrown to the wind, and every topic turned to religion. Very discouraging. Religion has no place in politics. The way I see it, in this country we elect a president, not a pope.