You are welcome! this is very good information to know...we can see through time satan's devices to destroy God's church, but what is more marvelous than his efforts is how it is that God's church is never and cannot be destroyed! Slay me, and I will only love more; crucify me, and the blood of the saints is seed! Try to deceive me if it's possible, and God will gloriously raise up a standard of the Truth in Zion! His Church lives on, and not by the power of any pompous religious State....
But, We the Church do Testify, to the Eternal Power of Grace... That forever delivers sinful man from the power of sin's disgrace... That moves in us by heaven's will, for the sake of Christ above... That keeps Zion forever alive by the power of His blood.... Not by might or the power of man, that works to only negate, The priceless Truth of Christ in you, the mysterious work of Grace. No mortal man or religious State can claim the Church their own, What's born of God belongs to Him, to him and him alone.... No Pope, no Priest assigned by man owns any of heaven's ware, But in God's Church, his spiritual priests, do tend his temple with care, Of which ye are, you saints of his, whose Spirit your heart does bare, The temple of the Living God, it's you, the blood bought share.
"How shall we escape if we neglect so great a Salvation?" (Hebrew 2:3)
Thanks for Excellent Teaching.... preachergirl, Kim S