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Jim Allen

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Re: Speaking Out! Stop the Intervention Stand Up and Speak Out!
1/6/2009 2:38:26 PM

Are you paying attention yet?  Why NOT!

January 5, 2009

Fitzgerald: The UN: Thoroughly infiltrated and taken over by Muslims at every level

It is hard to think of an organization that has been more thoroughly infiltrated and taken over by Muslims at every level, than the United Nations. It has for decades been filled with such willing collaborators as Edward Mortimer, the former Chief Speech Writer and Senior Adviser, as he billed himself, to Kofi Annan -- and for all I know, perhaps he's still senior-advising and chief-speech-writing for that Innocent Abroad Ban Ki-Moon, especially when it comes to Muslim matters.

This infiltration can be seen everywhere, from the actual staffing of the U.N. secretariat, to the power of the Islamic bloc, which is the last sizable voting bloc left now that the Soviet bloc has dissolved. What should be the bloc of enlightened democracies has lost its way -- not least because of the effect of the anti-Israel atmosphere with which the United Nations is suffused, and the atmosphere of apologetics for Islam with which it is also suffused. And then of course there are those Western countries whose elites are terrified of offending the aggressive and dangerous Muslims who are now living in their very midst, and about which they have not a clue as to what to do. At the United Nations, Islam, or the Organization of the Islamic Conference, whenever Israel or Darfur or anything to do with Islam comes up, effectively calls the tune.

Why, almost half the time of the U.N. and its succursales, such as that comic organization supposedly devoted to Human Rights in Geneva, is dedicated to the proposition that Mighty Israel, the vast Empire of Israel, is the single most important topic, and of course threat, in the world today. The Geneva Human Rights council is that one whose deliberations are sometimes interrupted by the voices of steady sanity of David Littman and Roy Brown, and a few others like them. But even there the Muslim delegates have so intimidated, with their aggression and their sheer craziness, so many of the others, even Western European delegates, that even the most intelligent representatives of Western Europe shrink from confrontation with the primitive representatives of primitive peoples, made primitive, it must be said, by Islam itself.

And on the East River, the usual inmates of bedlam try to outdo one another in paying obeisance to Muslim countries. Of course, if those Muslim countries had no oil, they would have nothing. And had they not had, more than a millennium ago, a certain number of Christians and Jews and Zoroastrians in their recently-conquered lands, they would surely not even be able to claim what little they can claim as "Islam's contributions to civilization." An ideology that is all-encompassing, that encourages the habit of mental submission, that restricts so severely the varieties of artistic expression, that discourages in every way the spirit of critical inquiry, that mistreats women and, most important of all, mistreats all non-Muslims but insists on loyalty only to Islam and to fellow members of the Umma -- it is the adherents of this who dare now to demand even more.

The U.N. is now perilously in the position of the League of Nations. The League of Nations, or, as the French call it, La Societe des Nations (and society it was, with lots of elegant socializing) could do nothing about Fascism and Nazism. And even though the odd American veto can prevent the most egregious and absurd of resolutions passed by the Yesterday's Men who are the current diplomats at the United Nations from so many of the now-threatened Infidel lands, the U.N. remains a corrupt and corrupting institution.

Fortunately, just in time, the Muslims have overplayed their hand, with too many attacks in too many places. Now the spectacle of violent mobs of keffiyehed Muslims in European cities has impressed upon many Europeans the notion that these Muslims in their midst, and their local fellow travelers, are a menace that will not go away. That realization is dawning. It is being helped along not so much by what non-Muslims have done or said, but in the main by what Muslims have done and said. And they will continue, in their violence and aggression and impossible demands, to alert the non-Infidel world to what they are and what they are doing. And so that Infidel world is slowly, as if out of a deep sleep, shaking its locks, and coming, fitfully and by slow degrees, awake.

Posted by Hugh at January 5, 2009 9:03 AM
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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Re: Speaking Out! Stop the Intervention Stand Up and Speak Out!
1/16/2009 4:22:54 AM

Lot's of stuff has not made common sense in the past ten years. Fortunately, I missed it due to preoccupation with making sure my minors were developing their common sense.

Maybe evil people are rising to destroy evil people in a fashion like "Revelations"

Rev.22 [11] He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.

Keep Your Head to the SKY!

Jim Allen

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Re: Speaking Out! Stop the Intervention Stand Up and Speak Out!
1/28/2009 2:53:25 PM

by John for everyone

Welcome to Thus Says the Prophets!

New World Order Quotes
From the Mouths of the Elite

Gathered by John of AllFaith

"The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." --Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli of England, in 1844.

"The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the American Branch of a society which originated in England ... (and) ... believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established."-- Professor of History Carroll Quigley, Georgetown University, in his book "Tragedy and Hope".

"Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." - Woodrow Wilson

"[The New World Order] cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the most significant single component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change it's perceptions." -- Henry Kissenger, World Affairs Council Press Conference, Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel , April 19th 1994

"David Rockefeller is the most conspicuous representative today of the ruling class, a multinational fraternity of men who shape the global economy and manage the flow of its capital. Rockefeller was born to it, and he has made the most of it. But what some critics see as a vast international conspiracy, he considers a circumstance of life and justanother day's work... In the world of David Rockefeller it's hard to tell where business ends and politics begins" . Bill Moyers

"We know in the not too distant future, a half dozen corporations are going to control the media. We took this step (merger) to ensure we were one of them"--Time Warner spokesperson.  READ MORE.....

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Re: Speaking Out! Stop the Intervention Stand Up and Speak Out!
3/18/2009 10:45:11 PM
Enough about the bonus money. These are written contracts and must be honored. What about the 58 billion dollars that AIG sent to foreign banks. Why isn't America outraged about that.
Jim Allen

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Re: Speaking Out! Stop the Intervention Stand Up and Speak Out! The Prz is Keeping Score
4/2/2009 1:02:54 PM

"Don't think we're not keeping score, brother." That's what President Barack Obama said to Rep. Peter DeFazio in a closed-door meeting of the House Democratic Caucus last week, according to the Associated Press.

A few weeks ago, Mr. DeFazio voted against the administration's stimulus bill. The comment from Mr. Obama was a presidential rebuke and part of a new, hard-nosed push by the White House to pressure Congress to adopt the president's budget. He has mobilized outside groups and enlisted forces still in place from the Obama campaign.

Senior presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett and her chief of staff, Michael Strautmanis, are in regular contact with MoveOn.Org, Americans United for Change and other liberal interest groups. Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina has collaborated with Americans United for Change on strategy and even ad copy. Ms. Jarrett invited leaders of the liberal interest groups to a White House social event with the president and first lady to kick off the lobbying campaign.

Its targets were initially Republicans, as team Obama ran ads depicting the GOP as the "party of no." But now the fire is being trained on Democrats worried about runaway spending.

Americans United is going after Democrats who are skeptical of Mr. Obama's plans to double the national debt in five years and nearly triple it in 10. The White House is taking aim at lawmakers in 12 states, including Democratic Sens. Kent Conrad, Ben Nelson, Mary Landrieu, Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor. MoveOn.Org is running ads aimed at 10 moderate Senate and House Democrats. And robocalls are urging voters in key districts to pressure their congressman to get in line.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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