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Ted Kusie

552 Posts
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Please help Adland friend Bugarski!
12/13/2008 4:45:28 PM
Hello everyone,
I just received this request from Adlander Burgarski Sava.  If you can help out and sign his petition, he would greatly appreciate it!  Also feel free to invite him to your friends list.
Personal friendly request
- messages to/from Bugarski Sava
From Bugarski Sava: Personal friendly request
Date: 12/12/2008
Hi Ted
I wouldn't take too much time of yours.
Could you desicate me 2 minutes, and sign my petition?

This link:

Just cut and paste in your browser.

If you don't sign, it will not change our Adland friendship.

Have a great time and God Bless YOU

Make money working. There is no another way.



God Bless Your Success! Ted Kusie Your Adland Friend Winnipeg, Canada Here is Your Money!
Re: Please help Adland friend Bugarski!
12/13/2008 5:07:00 PM

Thank  you, Ted, I just invited Bugarski to be friends and signed his petition.



Re: Please help Adland friend Bugarski!
12/13/2008 5:39:18 PM
I signed. Glad to be of help.
Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Please help Adland friend Bugarski!
12/13/2008 6:37:29 PM

Thanks Ted,

I, like Sara, have signed and invited.

I wish this poor man all the best.


Re: Please help Adland friend Bugarski!
12/13/2008 7:35:02 PM
Thank you very much to all of you. I'm longer adland member, but I was a little bit shamed to write this.
Now I see I was wrong.
What I'd like to point, is that I'm enough hard to accept this, but this must be a fight for justice.
Such impertinence I never seen. I was present there 20 years (from time to time) and last five I was there resident, employed with regular contract and accident happened on the site in working time.
Imagine me, I send fax, they tell: we didn't receive. i send in three places fax, the answer is: we didn't receive :)
Net is powerful instrument to wake some people up.
Thank you again.
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