Dear Friends, this is sad news on my return after a wonderful trip to Monterey, California. I have read through all the posts here. I got here from a pm from a friend. Things were getting heated up when I left about my forum winning. It was almost a repeat of about a year ago when my forum won over Ana Maria's. Hers won the next month. I cannot believe what I have read that someone has accused Pauline of accepting a bribe. What bribe??
Pauline had I been here to answer your question about resigning, it would and is a great large NO!! Why should you? You and Joe have done an excellent job with this forum for a long time. Of course, both of you needed time off and to take breaks. It never bothered me WHO was running the forum. I did have some questions on judges, though, because there was one who was negative about everything. Never knew who they were and don't care to know.
Bogdan, I am very sorry that you stopped the BFA because of what 3 discontented people. I do hope you bring it back better than ever and not let the minority rule. If I am expected to not accept the money, it is okay. It is not about the money (of course I can use it, can't we all!!), it is about having a forum of beauty, friendship, nature, and all about God's world of expressions. A place members can go to enjoy and feel at home. Also, it is about supporting the Arts, as in Art Gallery. After I saw the voting, I had no idea my EON would win. I was all ready to congratulate Donna. It is so sad that people ASSUME so much and how wrong they can be.
To all of you good people - Pauline, Joe, Branka, Luka, Kathleen, Georgios, Pat, Sarah, Jill, Terry, Luis - and others who have spoken out here and played your roles without pay - thank you for supporting Pauline and the BFA.
At least for several months this community has been able to function without controversy and it was so nice. It was easy to ignore the negative posting. I have not looked but I feel sure the cruel forum thread about me is still there. Maybe it is time that I investigate internet slander. It, along with several others, should be removed from Adlandpro. This type of communication is unacceptable in a community that is one of the most favorable on the web.
My sincere thanks to all of you and to Bogdan for making the right decisions.
"For what is a man when his heart speaks only of evil?" Sara