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Jill Bachman

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Re: GOOD DAY ADLANDPRO_ The BEST WAY to Promote the word LOVE
12/8/2008 12:07:51 AM

Thanks for the heads up......I am on my way!  :-)

All I know is..........LOVE IS THE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!

 Cheers,  Jill
Re: GOOD DAY ADLANDPRO_ The BEST WAY to Promote the word LOVE
12/8/2008 12:11:00 PM
Hello Thomas Great topic here. Love is a very powerful word. It is even more powerful once we learn to take it's meaning beyond words and into our reality. I know you get it. It shows in everything you do. Backatcha Brother. May a smile follow you to sleep each night and be there waiting,,,when you awaken. Sincerely, Billdaddy
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Thomas Richmond

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Re: GOOD DAY ADLANDPRO_ The BEST WAY to Promote the word LOVE
12/8/2008 12:38:49 PM
Billdaddy (pops), i appreciate the sentimant if thats the right word for it lol. Things i didn't really get when i was young was love, what i mean by that is the right kind of love, the love that encourages like i found for myself many years later, i know how important that word is even more so when implemented into peoples lives for the benefit of rabbi Jesus and me personally , when i do things , business, my threads you see here, the help i give and i receive are just part of my existence now and i really am not aware of some of those things i do, but im also not aware of the things i do not do thus i keep on learning more everyday. I miss friends that i try to establish somekind of bases of honesty and truth and watch it all go away, is really hard to take sometimes so i get angry and say many questionable words that are not either focused at things at hand or just not getting the point as the conversations, my fault. So i bear it and move on. Focus my attention on God and my S.E.O. business. Sorry for the confession pops LOL i probly bored you with it. Well have a great day my friend and thank you for stopping by with your comments really appreciate our friendship. God_bless you and your family! Thomas
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Patricia Bartch

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Re: GOOD DAY ADLANDPRO_ The BEST WAY to Promote the word LOVE
12/8/2008 1:13:56 PM

How nice for you to promote Rogers L O V E topic Thomas.  I just posted there.

Hugs to you,


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Re: GOOD DAY ADLANDPRO_ The BEST WAY to Promote the word LOVE
12/8/2008 3:51:50 PM

Thank you Thomas for supporting Roger's forum and for promoting LOVE in the community.

I have posted in Roger's forum.


This is one Phil Black posted.


Thank you for all your support of the community and your continued efforts to bring Peace and Love to all.


