Thank you Tom,
All boasting aside, I am a good cook and cook from scratch just like my late mother taught me, and I taught my daughter and son to cook the same way.
Yes indeed that goose tasted delicious and we still have lots left over, the stuffing was great.
Cooking a goose is easy enough, I took it out of the freezer yesterday and left it to defrost overnight. It took about 3 1/2 - 4 hours on 350o so no big event in cooking this bird.
We have yet to eat the pumpkin pie with home made pastry as we were full, will cut into it shortly. I have been in clover since I found I could make pastry again here in Nebraska. Back in Oregon many of my baking did not come out right due to the different sea levels, humidity or whatever, so I did not bake as much now I have picked up this enjoyable pass time again - probably not good for either of our waste lines though!