You are one of many Angels we have here at Adland. Because you understand so well what is really happening. Your freedoms are still fresh in your minds, you understand, what has been lost and foresee a future, that you and your country men defeated. It has been a long time, since Americans supported a war for the true freedom of the people. Most recent wars have been fought over wealth protection. In that quest they have failed to hold and heed the foresight of our forefathers. We forget that they had just won Independence from another tyrannical, imperialistic empire lead by an Elite Class.
The warriors and heroes of the last wars fought for the people have grown old and many have passed on, before us. So has their memories and the reason they fought those battles and overthrew those that leaned the way are leaning today. Their history is no longer taught in schools, it is old knowledge and felt unnecessary in today's America. The Freedom, Prosperity, Progress and Love, that happened at then end of those battles is what allowed us to enjoy those Freedoms and Liberties. Many of which we have been relieved of, in the name of false programs, designed to protect the wealth and rights of the few.
This is the wisdom of our forefathers, they knew what The Freedom, Prosperity, Progress and Love cost and wanted to save us from repeating that history. They wanted the "Happy Days" to last forever. Remember those "Happy Days" and let's make them apply to all citizens of America. That is what the world wants the American Dream to be, not what the enemies of those Freedoms given to us all by The U.S. Constitution and OUR "Bill of Rights".
What made this thought happen was the inspiration of AnaMaria's unique observations and one man's mission written on another site and follows: Jim Allen III
My MissionNov 16, '08 6:52 PM
by David James for everyone

I believe in the Ideals of Our Founding Fathers and the Idea of a Constitutional Republic. I believe the FED should be abolished and that we should return to the path where We the People are the true voice of our country. Not some banker in Wall Street, not some Lobbyist for some huge conglomerate or corporation, not the United Nations or any foreigner... "WE THE PEOPLE" that is the answer!
War is immoral and should only be used as a means of self-defense and protection of Liberties. I think you would find it interesting to study the words of the American founding fathers on the matters of war, attacking nations, nation building, forming alliances and commerce with nations (google it, youtube it!), --- and look at the direction this U.S. government has taken recently since the times of Bush Sr.till now. Pre-emptive strikes were first used by Adolf Hitler to start a war, bet ya didn't know that. Our motto has been and should always be "Don't Tread On Me". NO WHERE in our Constitution does it give our President the right for a Pre-emptive strike on any nation! Our leaders have to have high morals standards to truely lead a people to prosperity, but as we have seen with our current ones, they just lead us down a road to ruin. Fighting wars which are less about freedom and liberty, but are about protecting wealth and power and a play for oil... Overlooking our Rights and Liberties and Forsaking all that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States stands for.
Benjamin Franklin had said that "The first duty of any citizen is to question Authority" and that is true for every citizen of every country. If we don't ask questions and just follow the status-quo we will be like "sheep being led to the slaughter" as our First President George Washington has stated.
I attempt to try to bring to light to the masses not only of my country but of the world, of their liberties, of their rights. To show them what has happened and why America has become the most corrupted nation on this planet. And why the people in America need to wake up and do something about it.
I suggest to all who read this to turn off your television, read the Constitution as it was Originally penned... Read the Declaration of Independence.
If you sincerely believe that Change is necessary in our nation, then the Change must start inside of you.
Don't rely on Washington, they don't have your best interests in mind.