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Re: You could have heard a pin drop. I think I am hearing one now
11/25/2008 12:23:49 AM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Brazil is road map for U.S. rebound

Bryce G. Hoffman / The Detroit News

SÃO BERNARDO DO CAMPO, Brazil -- If Ford Americas President Mark Fields seems overly confident when he talks about the company's turnaround plan, it's because he has already seen it work -- in Brazil.

The Way Forward plan Fields unveiled last year in Dearborn is an outgrowth of the restructuring plan Ford Motor Co. developed to save its Brazilian operations. Five years ago, Ford was on the brink of pulling out of South America's most important market. Instead, it closed factories, bought out workers, consolidated its dealer network and launched a stream of home-run products.

Today, Ford has doubled its market share and become one of the most profitable automakers in Brazil. Its products are lauded by the local auto press and loved by consumers. Its biggest problem now is that its factories cannot keep up with the surging demand for its cars and trucks.

There are important differences between North America and South America, but Ford is confident the strategy it developed to save its business here can help save its business in the United States.

"It is essentially the same plan that Mark and the team have laid out for North America," CEO Alan Mulally told The Detroit News.

Said Fields: "It shows it can work."

Brazil's way forward

For much of the last century, Ford was a market leader in Brazil. But the 1980s brought a surprise invasion by overseas competitors -- in this case from Europe. The effect was the same as when Japanese automakers arrived in the United States. Unprepared and reliant on aging factories, Ford was pummeled by the newcomers.

As it lost market share, Ford sought help from another longtime South American manufacturer -- Germany's Volkswagen AG. In 1986, the two companies combined their South American operations to form Autolatina, but the alliance fell apart in 1994, the victim of clashing cultures.

Ford emerged from the Autolatina debacle hemorrhaging cash. Its share of the key Brazilian market was down to just 6 percent. A few years later, financial crises in Russia and Asia triggered a collapse of the entire Brazilian auto industry.

"By 2002, we had around 42 or 43 percent idle capacity in Brazil," recalled Rogelio Golfarb, director of government affairs and public relations for Ford do Brasil. "We were losing money. The brand was weak. The dealer network was suffering from lack of profitability. And our products did not appeal to the customers. We were in a very difficult situation."

Brazilian business journalists were already writing Ford's obituary, and most expected the automaker to pull out of the country within a year.

"We knew we needed to change our business model," said Dom DiMarco, head of Ford's South American division.

Ford closed its posh corporate offices in downtown São Paulo and moved into converted factory space at its main manufacturing facility here in an industrial suburb. The automaker also closed its main truck plant and consolidated those operations here, too.

Ford cut a quarter of its salaried work force. It eliminated or reassigned 3,600 factory workers, about half its hourly work force in the country. Those who lost their jobs were given buyouts. The automaker also consolidated its Brazilian dealership network and worked with franchise owners to remodel their stores.

If all this sounds familiar, it is.

In the United States, Ford has already idled four assembly plants and plans to close 16 factories by 2012. It has eliminated more than 10,000 salaried positions and cut more than 20,000 hourly jobs since the end of 2005. And it's consolidating its U.S. dealer network.

Project Amazon

When Ford launched its Brazil turnaround, most of the cars and trucks it sold were older models that had not kept pace with Brazilian consumers' increasingly sophisticated tastes. The company knew it needed better products to drive its recovery. So, even as Ford moved to close older factories, it invested millions in a new plant and new products as part of its top secret "Project Amazon."

The plant, completed in October 2001, was built in Camaçari, in the rural northeastern state of Bahia, where labor was cheap and government incentives rich. It is one of the most advanced auto factories in the world, leaner and more flexible than any other Ford plant.

"It's very critical in terms of delivering what we needed to deliver in terms of products, quality and costs," said Marcos Oliveira, president of Ford do Brasil. "It brought our manufacturing in Brazil to a different level."

Its first product was a new version of the European Ford Fiesta, modified to better match local tastes. It was an early example of the global product development strategy that Mulally is trying to extend throughout the company.

The first one rolled off the new assembly line in April 2002, and was an instant hit. Ford followed it up with a sedan version that became the segment leader in Brazil the first month it went on sale.

But the best was yet to come

Before the new factory even opened, work already had begun on a new model that would be designed and built in Brazil. It was the EcoSport, a subcompact sport utility vehicle that would offer true off-road capability in the sort of economical package the Brazilian market demanded.

"In Brazil, there is no room for Navigators," Golfarb said. "And there is no money for them either. It had to do something with the Ford DNA. It had to be affordable. We had the Explorer, too, but it wasn't affordable."

Golfarb was on hand when the design team presented the first drawings. It looked like a pint-sized version of the Explorer -- smaller than the Ford Escape, but still looking like it was ready for anything. It was essentially approved on the spot.

The EcoSport not only created a new segment in South America, it dominated it. It became the icon of a resurgent Ford and sent competitors scrambling to catch up.

Elaine Brezolin, a 50-year-old lawyer and accountant from São Paulo, is a typical EcoSport owner. She likes the car for the same reasons that make compact SUVs popular in the United States: the commanding seating position, the car-like ride and the knowledge that she can take it off-road if she has to. "The EcoSport is the car every woman wants to have," Brezolin said. "All of my friends say, 'I want an EcoSport.' My cousin offered to trade me her Corolla for my EcoSport. I said, 'No! No! No!' "

Ernesto Geraldi said he hears comments like that all the time at his Ford dealership in São Paulo -- and not just about the EcoSport, but all of Ford's products. He even has a 30-day waiting list for the entry-level Ka, a car Ford has been producing in Brazil without a major redesign for 10 years.

"The demand is more than production" -- particularly for the Fiesta and EcoSport, Geraldi said. "Our margins are increasing. Our products are desirable, and our market share is increasing."

This from a dealer who was seriously thinking about getting rid of his Ford franchises just a few years ago.

"In every segment, we have a desirable product," Ford's Oliviera said. "Once you understand the market requirements and the demand, you tailor your solutions to the particular needs of the market. I think Ford is starting to do that in the States with the Fusion and Edge."

Taking it to the street

Even with hot products, it took a massive marketing effort to convince Brazilian consumers to give the Blue Oval a second chance.

Jorge Chear Neto took a job as a marketing executive at Ford in 2000 because he relished a challenge. "It was one of the weakest brands I ever saw in my life," he recalled.

A year later, the company launched a new advertising effort to coincide with the rollout of its new Project Amazon vehicles. The message was simple: "Let a Ford surprise you."

Ford did not stop there. It offered to pay prospective buyers 100 reais -- about $50 -- to test drive a Ford product. If they bought a Ford, that money went toward the purchase price. If they bought a competitor's product, they got the cash. "We really challenged customers to come to the dealers," Neto said, noting the campaign was a huge success.

Marketing is one area where Ford's North American turnaround effort has so far fallen short. Its "Bold Moves" campaign fizzled when the automaker failed to match those words with any concrete actions.

But here, too, executives in Brazil say there is reason for optimism. That is because Barry Ingle, the man responsible for the test drive promotion and other marketing successes in Brazil, recently headed north to lead Ford brand marketing in the United States.

Ford's biggest problem today is that it does not have enough capacity in South America, let alone Brazil, to keep up with demand. In fact, Ford lost a point of market share last year simply because it could not make enough vehicles fast enough.

Still, its share of the Brazilian market has soared from just 6.6 percent in 2001 to nearly 12 percent today. The automaker peaked at 12.4 percent in 2005 and hopes to regain that by the end of this year.

Ford now is the fourth largest automaker in Brazil, and one of the most profitable. As of last month, Ford had posted 14 consecutive quarters of profit in the country. All of its plants are running at or above 100 percent manned capacity, and Ford plans to invest nearly $1 billion in Brazil over the next four years to make sure they can keep up.

Will it play in Detroit?

Ford's North American turnaround has produced much more modest results. The company did swing back to a profit in the second quarter this year, but Mulally and other executives have been quick to warn that the rest of 2007 promises more red ink.

DiMarco says it took more than a year to see results in Brazil, too. "When we first started coming out of this, we still weren't profitable. But people were starting to notice our products and say, 'hey, that's a Ford.' It started to build on that. I see that in the U.S. as well. I see that fly wheel starting to turn."

Some analysts, among them George Peterson, president of AutoPacific Inc. in Tustin, Calif., say it makes sense for Ford to import its Brazilian strategy to the United States.

"It's a good starting point," he said.

But there are important differences between the situations Ford faces in the two countries.

Its turnaround in South America coincided with a regional economic boom and resurgence of the entire Brazilian auto industry. In the United States, Ford is struggling to turn around its business against the backdrop of an uncertain economy and sagging auto sales that hurting even the strongest brands.

"Fortune was with Ford in Brazil," said Bradley Rubin, an analyst with BNP Paribas.

More importantly, he said, Ford has little liability for pensions and health care in Brazil. Rubin said those costs are crippling the company in the United States, making the restructuring actions outlined in Field's Way Forward plan of secondary importance to the labor talks now going on between Ford and the United Auto Workers.

"It's all about the contract now," he said. "You've got to get those legacy costs off the books."

You can reach Bryce Hoffman at (313) 222-2443 or

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Re: You could have heard a pin drop. I think I am hearing one now
11/25/2008 12:28:36 AM

Fired ACORN Board Member Karen Inman Speaks Out

 By Matthew Vadum  Monday, November 24, 2008

We somehow missed an excellent news report from CNN on the ACORN embezzlement scandal earlier this month. (I must have been too busy playing Super Obama World.) In the Nov. 13 report CNN reported that terminated ACORN national board member Karen Inman said it’s time to bring in “the sheriff” to investigate the group’s crooked financial dealings. (See previous blog post on Inman’s dismissal.)

Inman was dismissed from the ACORN board for daring to ask for financial records pertaining to the covered up embezzlement of close to $1 million by Dale Rathke, brother of ACORN founder Wade Rathke. CNN reports that ACORN has asked the law firm of Sidley Austin to look into whether ACORN exposed itself to legal liability in connection with the coverup.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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Re: You could have heard a pin drop. I think I am hearing one now
11/25/2008 10:44:31 AM

$3.5-million bailout preceded Gorbachev’s celebrated arrival in America to the Presidio

Gorbachev among first to pounce on an America in Distress

 By Judi McLeod  Tuesday, November 25, 2008

imageIt didn’t take former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev the proverbial New York minute to pounce on an America in distress.

Gorbachev came forward last week advising that the Obama administration needs “far-reaching `perestroika’ reforms to overcome the financial crisis and restore balance in the world.

The former Soviet leader has been trying to put wings on his dream for a worldwide-adopted Perestroika as far back as 1990, when he attended a Forum in Moscow with then-U.N. Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar.

The Forum was sponsored by the Supreme Soviet and the International Foundation for the Survival and Development of Humanity, along with the Temple of Understanding and the U.N. Global Committee of Parliamentarians on Population and Development. 
 It was there that Gorbachev stated that “Perestroika has changed our view of ecology; only through international efforts can we avert tragedy.”

He called for each nation to produce state-of-the-environment reports on the 1992 U.N. Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro.  He reiterated an earlier call for a U.N. “green cross”, an international emergency task force that could be rushed to the scene of an ecological disaster.

Transportation to the Forum was provided to invited participants—free of charge by Aeroflot--and local expenses were paid by the host country.

Less than a year ago, rumours about Gorbachev’s sudden “secret conversion” to Catholicism were reported as fact by the international mainstream media.

The rumours began circulating after Gorbachev and his daughter, Irina visited the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi (Italy), home to the saint’s relics.  Italian daily La Stampa called the event a “spiritual perestroika”.

“Over the last few days some media have been disseminating fantasies—I can’t use any other word—about my secret Catholicism, citing my visit to the Sacro Convento friary, where the remains of St. Francis of Assisi lie,” Gorbachev said.  Instead he insisted that he undertook the trip, not as a pilgrim, but as a “tourist”.

“In the past he visited Orthodox monasteries in Russia and abroad, Catholic and Protestant churches, synagogues in Israel and mosques in Arab countries as well as Buddhist monasteries, but “nobody related me to this or that belief during all these years.  To avoid misunderstandings I would like to say—I was atheist and I stay atheist.” (, March 24, 2008).

As recently as October 23, 1996, Gorbachev appeared on the popular Charlie Rose PBS television program, where he said:

“We are part of the Cosmos…Cosmos is my God.  Nature is my God… l believe that the 21st century will be the century of the environment, the century when all of us will have to find an answer to how to harmonize relations between man and the rest of Nature…
We are part of Nature…”

And of course it would be unlikely that someone in partnership with Maurice Strong to change the 10 Commandments of Moses for the Earth Charter would be a sincere Christian.

Held in awe by dint of having won a Nobel Peace Prize, Gorbachev became an America basher in his adopted country.

“America is intoxicated by its position as the world’s only superpower.  It wants to impose its will.  But America needs to get over that.  It has responsibilities as well as power,” Gorbachev told Times Magazine writer Sally B. Donnelly in an interview for his then new book, To Understand Perestroika.

“Who is Gorbachev, who made a soft landing in America after the collapse of the Soviet Union and who would have had nothing without the United States, to criticize it?” Canada Free Press (CFP) asked on April 3, 2006.

It was the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Pew and Mellon Funds that provided the soft landing before Gorbachev even set foot in America as his chosen place to live.

Indeed, a $3.5-million bailout preceded Gorbachev’s celebrated arrival in America to the Presidio, after a fundraiser was held in his honour at the posh Waldorf-Astoria.

In April of 1993, Mikhail S. Gorbachev became the first civilian tenant at the prestigious Presidio in San Francisco.  In a dedication ceremony, the former Soviet President and his wife were given the keys to a Coast Guard officer’s house by a three-star American general, where they were to run the Gorbachev foundation.  The mission of the Foundation was to conduct research on global political and environmental issues.

“For two centuries, the Presidio has stood as a sentinel for the San Francisco Bay area,” Lieut. Gen. Glynn Mallory Jr., commander of the Sixth Army, said at the ceremony.  “It is only fitting for the leader of a peace foundation to be welcomed by a soldier, showing that the defenders of the Golden Gate have been a success.” (The New York Tines, May 18, 1993).

The Presidio was one of more than 90 military installations being closed under the Base Realignment and Closure Act of 1988, an initiative launched by some of Gorbachev’s Democrat friends.

Ironic that the former Soviet leader who said in a 1987 speech to the Politburo, “Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep” got to pitch up at the Presidio.

Even as the recipient of a $3.5 million bailout, Gorbachev was crying poor when Donnelly reached him for an interview.  Asked by Donnelly, “Are you enjoying life?” Gorbachev responded, “Yes, but there are some difficulties.  Traveling is physically hard.  And my (government) pension is only 40,000 rubles a month (about $1,400).

In advising the adoption of Perestroika for Obama, Gorbachev told Italy’s La Stampa that “The world is waiting for Obama to act.”

“This is a man of our times, he is capable of restarting dialogue, all the more since the circumstances will allow him to get out of a dead-end situation. Barack Obama has not had a very long career, but it is hard to find faults, and he has led an election campaign winning over the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton herself.  We can judge from this that this person is capable of engaging in dialogue and understanding current realities.”

“Former Russia oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, founder of the now defunct Yukos oil giant, who is in prison on fraud and tax evasion charges, also used the word perestroika in discussing the future course of the Obama administration. (, Nov. 11, 2008.) “He said that, “being a liberal himself, he thinks that the world will take a left turn”, and that “a global perestroika would be a logical response to the global crisis.

“The paradigm of global development is about to change.  The era inaugurated by Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher 30 years ago is over.”

Meanwhile, even as the far left celebrated the arrival of Gorbachev on American soil, he was working with the global elite to take down the U.S. from the inside.

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Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on, Drudge Report,, and Glenn Beck.

Judi can be emailed at:

Older articles by Judi McLeod

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What's New On CFP:
  1. Hope when it’s needed most
  2. An Explosion of Green Lies
  3. Fed Bails Out Rich Arabs in Citigroup Deal
  5. CNN’s Hypocritical Disregard for Employee Rights
  6. Gorbachev among first to pounce on an America in Distress
  7. A Contribution to the Climate Debate
  8. We’re not scared anymore, Mr. Gore
  9. Homeland Security: Billions Invested in DHS Programs Lack Adequate Oversight
  10. What a Single Nuclear Warhead Could Do
  11. The Doubts of a Saint
  12. Ho-hum; another report blames crime on racism
  13. I can’t prove this happened—But I’ll bet something close to it did.
  14. Race in the Third Millennium
  15. The New Messiah: Workout versus Worship
  16. Charity Convicted in Terrorism Financing Trial
  17. Cholera spreads like veldfire across Zimbabwe
  18. A memorial to a murderous socialist thug in the heart of the heart of capitalism:
  19. Islamic fighters vow to rescue hijacked Saudi tanker
  20. Cost of Rebuilding U.N.’s Palace? A Billion Dollars
  21. Holiday Greetings to Citigroup and General Motors
  22. Obamessiah to Usher in New Era Of Global Equality
  23. Give Thanks that Che Guevara is Dead
  24. Why Did Our Founders Want Only Qualified Citizens to Vote?
  25. Lighten Up – With Color
  26. On Palin’s Celebrity, AP Reminds She’s A Failed Candidate… Over and Over and Over
  27. Nadler Needs to Read the Constitution
  28. Fired ACORN Board Member Karen Inman Speaks Out
  29. Soros Holds Franken Recount Fundraiser
  30. Bridge Loans To Nowhere
  31. Coming To A Neighborhood Near You… Or Else
  32. The Mainstreaming Of Liberal Bigotry
  33. CAIR Sued by Former Clients for Racketeering, Fraud, & Breach of Fiduciary Duties
  34. The UN Celebrates “Palestinians”, Hates Jews
  35. Barack Obama is the Best Thing to Ever Happen to Expose Black Genocide
  36. The new world devised by Maurice Strong and George Soros
  37. Let the Big Three AND The UAW Die!
  38. Somali Piracy or Terrorism?
  39. So it Really was a Reactor in Syria
  40. Global Warming? Bring it On

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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Re: You could have heard a pin drop. I think I am hearing one now
11/25/2008 10:46:32 AM

The election of Barack Obama has opened the floodgates to a deluge of propaganda by the many Green groups seeking to advance their various agendas

An Explosion of Green Lies

 By Editor  Tuesday, November 25, 2008

If you think you’ve been hearing and reading more and more Green lies about global warming and a whole range of other Green scares, you’re right. The election of Barack Obama has opened the floodgates to a deluge of propaganda by the many Green groups seeking to advance their various agendas.

The mainstream news media folk who have not yet figured out that their credibility has long since gone into the toilet keep pushing this stuff and with exquisite irony—no doubt lost on these geniuses—NBC nearly killed one of its Today Show anchors in a stunt that dispatched all them to the far corners of the globe to prove that global warming was happening.

At the very same time, it announced that it was firing the staff of its Weather Channel’s environmental unit! That’s right, while the famed anchors were trudging up mountains, hanging out on glaciers or snorkeling reefs, the entire staff of “Forecast Earth” was laid off halfway through NBC’s “Green Week.” In all, some 80 people were cut, but it was the Forecast Earth staff that existed solely to spread global warming lies despite the fact that the real Earth has been in a cooling cycle since 1998.

Meanwhile, on Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Ann Curry and more than a hundred local Masai porters were experiencing a dangerous condition called High Altitude Cerebral Edema in order to prove that global warming was causing the mountain’s ice cap to melt. Everything about this idiot stunt was wrong from the gitgo.

If anyone on the Today Show had bothered to do any research, they would have known that the mountain’s ice cap had been receding for years due to deforestation. In the October 2003 edition of Nature Magazine it was pointed out that, “Without the forest’s humidity, previously moisture-laden winds blew dry. No longer replenished with water, the ice is evaporating in the strong equatorial sunshine.” Sunshine! On the Equator!

A June 2007 study published in American Scientist revealed that the melting of Kilimanjaro’s icecap had been occurring for at least a century as forests were cleared for farmland. Indeed, most of the melting had occurred prior to 1953!

Curry, age 52, aborted the trek up the mountain that was intended to announce something that an NBC page spending a half-hour on Google could have told her was not just a waste of time, but a complete and total lie.

As the Obama administration makes ready to assume power, the Greens are going crazy with campaigns denouncing coal as “dirty” and demanding an end to the use of all plastic bottles, claiming that a life-threatening component exists. If this is so, don’t you think we would know about it by now? Plastic, of course, is made from oil and that too has been stigmatized for decades by the Greens. The plunge of global oil prices has been about the only good news that consumers have had in weeks.

The new big lie is that millions of jobs can be created from Green sustainable or “clean” energy in the form of solar and wind power, but even with vast government tax subsidies and other incentives, neither of these has gained a foothold because they both require back-up generation facilities when the wind isn’t blowing and the sun isn’t shining.

The notion that electric cars will replace those using the highly efficient gasoline powered automobiles and trucks has been around since the late 1800s and the problem now is the same problem as then; the batteries which must be so large and so frequently charged that they are impractical. A new electric auto from a company called Tesla will cost you $50,000 to purchase. Only demented Hollywood stars will be able to afford them.

There will be no explosion of jobs from so-called Green industries and the real industries, like auto industries, are just blowing smoke up your skirt when they trumpet how Green they are. It is a marketing scheme, not science, and frequently a costly waste of money that could have been spent more wisely to benefit their investors.

I keep telling people that businesses large and small exist to make a profit!

At some point, when the economy reaches a truly horrid low point, people will begin to shed all the nonsense they have been taught in America’s schools about the environment and start thinking about where the next rent or mortgage payment will come from. They will have noticed by then that, wherever they live, it is getting colder and the cold weather is lasting longer.

Over at the Weather Channel, the newly trimmed down staff will be tracking and talking about the latest blizzards burying cities and rural areas in snow.

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To reprint article, permission of the writer is required. Please email us at

What's New On CFP:
  1. Hope when it’s needed most
  2. An Explosion of Green Lies
  3. Fed Bails Out Rich Arabs in Citigroup Deal
  5. CNN’s Hypocritical Disregard for Employee Rights
  6. Gorbachev among first to pounce on an America in Distress
  7. A Contribution to the Climate Debate
  8. We’re not scared anymore, Mr. Gore
  9. Homeland Security: Billions Invested in DHS Programs Lack Adequate Oversight
  10. What a Single Nuclear Warhead Could Do
  11. The Doubts of a Saint
  12. Ho-hum; another report blames crime on racism
  13. I can’t prove this happened—But I’ll bet something close to it did.
  14. Race in the Third Millennium
  15. The New Messiah: Workout versus Worship
  16. Charity Convicted in Terrorism Financing Trial
  17. Cholera spreads like veldfire across Zimbabwe
  18. A memorial to a murderous socialist thug in the heart of the heart of capitalism:
  19. Islamic fighters vow to rescue hijacked Saudi tanker
  20. Cost of Rebuilding U.N.’s Palace? A Billion Dollars
  21. Holiday Greetings to Citigroup and General Motors
  22. Obamessiah to Usher in New Era Of Global Equality
  23. Give Thanks that Che Guevara is Dead
  24. Why Did Our Founders Want Only Qualified Citizens to Vote?
  25. Lighten Up – With Color
  26. On Palin’s Celebrity, AP Reminds She’s A Failed Candidate… Over and Over and Over
  27. Nadler Needs to Read the Constitution
  28. Fired ACORN Board Member Karen Inman Speaks Out
  29. Soros Holds Franken Recount Fundraiser
  30. Bridge Loans To Nowhere
  31. Coming To A Neighborhood Near You… Or Else
  32. The Mainstreaming Of Liberal Bigotry
  33. CAIR Sued by Former Clients for Racketeering, Fraud, & Breach of Fiduciary Duties
  34. The UN Celebrates “Palestinians”, Hates Jews
  35. Barack Obama is the Best Thing to Ever Happen to Expose Black Genocide
  36. The new world devised by Maurice Strong and George Soros
  37. Let the Big Three AND The UAW Die!
  38. Somali Piracy or Terrorism?
  39. So it Really was a Reactor in Syria
  40. Global Warming? Bring it On

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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Re: You could have heard a pin drop. I think I am hearing one now
11/26/2008 8:30:14 AM
The Great Birth Certificate Scandal/Cover-Up of ‘08 Print E-mail
By Joan Swirsky   
Monday, 24 November 2008
ImageAnalysis: Last week, newscasters reported that al Qaeda’s #2 terrorist disparaged the election of Barack Obama, and hurled racial slurs at Obama himself. “The report has not been confirmed by the State Department,” they all said, but they reported it anyway.

Fox News reporter Carl Cameron told viewers that three “anonymous” insiders of Sen. McCain’s campaign said that Sarah Palin was, in essence, a diva and a dunce. He – and dozens of others who picked up the story on other channels – never identified, or even verified, the sources of the quotes, but they reported them anyway.

Contrast these shabby examples of “journalism” with the legions of identifiable, verifiable and credible sources who for months have been investigating the disturbing allegation that Barack Obama is ineligible for the presidency because he has failed to meet one of the three requirements that the U.S. Constitution mandates, specifically that he provide proof of his “natural born” U.S. citizenship.

What follows is a partial list of people and organizations that have challenged Obama’s eligibility. Further on I will comment on how egregious the media’s failure to cover this story has been.  And last, I will speculate on the reason for the cover-up of this full-blown scandal.

Attorney Philip J. Berg, former deputy attorney general of Pennsylvania and a longtime Democrat partisan, sued Obama and the Democratic National Committee for what he alleged was the DNC’s failure to vet Obama, and Obama’s failure to provide an authentic and verifiable U.S. birth certificate. The suit was dismissed as "too vague…" Berg filed a writ of certiorari in the U.S. Supreme Court on Oct.30, to force Obama to produce his birth certificate. On Nov. 3, Justice David Souter rejected Berg’s emergency appeal for the court to halt the tabulation of the 2008 presidential election results, but set a schedule for a response from Obama, the DNC and all co-defendants on or before Dec. 1. Berg claims to have a tape recording of Obama’s Kenyan grandmother saying that she was present at Obama’s birth in Kenya, along with his half-brother and half-sister. Here is his website.

According to WorldNetDaily, blogger Jeff Schreiber said a second case was presented to the Supreme Court on the same issue, i.e., the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has waived its right to respond to a complaint brought by attorney Philip Berg, possibly – among other reasons – because they liked their odds of Berg's petition getting denied. Berg said that if the FEC filed not solely on its own behalf but “on behalf of the DNC and Barack Obama too, it reeks of collusion."

Dr. T.B. Bradley, a forensic psychologist, stated, as part of the Berg case, that, “Upon reading all of the books written by or about Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. aka Barry Soetoro (hereinafter Obama) Applicant discerned that Obama was not a natural born citizen of the United States or if he was a natural born citizen that he had lost his citizenship when his biological mother married Lolo Soetoro, a citizen of Indonesia. Obama then became a citizen of Indonesia as a result of his mother's expatriation of herself and her son, by self declaration on legal public educational records that Obama was formally known as Barry Soetoro, a citizen of Indonesia [and] was not US Constitutionally qualified to hold the Office of the United States Senator from Illinois or the Office of the President of the United States.”

Author, radio host, blogger, and Chicago attorney Andy Martin filed a suit in Hawaii's Supreme Court to compel Gov. Linda Lingle to release a certified copy of Obama's vital statistics record. His request was denied. On Nov. 18, he petitioned a judge in Hawaii for access to Obama’s original 1961 birth certificate, and reported that “the judge reserved judgment.” But when he arrived back in the states, he learned that Judge Bert Ayabe had dismissed the case.

Former presidential candidate Alan Keyes filed a suit with the California Secretary of State asking that the state's 55 Electoral College votes not be cast on December 15 until Obama verifies his eligibility to hold the office. Keyes’ suit was filed by Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation, along with California Electors Wiley S. Drake and Markham Robinson. The action states: "Should Senator Obama be discovered, after he takes office, to be ineligible for the Office of President of the United States, and, thereby, his election declared void….(a) usurper will be sitting as the President of the United States, and none of the treaties, laws, or executive orders signed by him will be valid or legal." Former California Secretaries of State have reviewed background documents to verify the eligibility of candidates. In 1968, the Peace and Freedom Party submitted the name of Eldridge Cleaver as a qualified candidate for POTUS. Then Secretary of State, Frank Jordan, found that according to Cleaver's birth certificate, he was only 34 years old, one year shy of the age needed to be on the ballot. Mr. Jordan removed Mr. Cleaver from the ballot. Cleaver unsuccessfully challenged this decision to the Supreme Court of the State of California and to the Supreme Court.

Lt. Col. Donald Sullivan, a retired 23-year veteran of the Army, National Guard, and Air Force filed another suit in North Carolina, which claimed Obama should not have been on the state's election ballot because his citizenship is in doubt.

David M. Neal of Ohio filed a suit in Warren Common Pleas Court to force the Ohio Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner, to request documents from the Federal Elections Commission, the Democratic National Committee, the Ohio Democratic Party and Obama to show the presidential candidate was born in Hawaii. The case was denied.

Cort Wrotnowski of Connecticut asked the court to order Secretary of State, Susan Bysiewicz, to verify Obama's citizenship before allowing the candidate to appear on the state ballot. The case was denied.

Steven Marquis filed a suit Washington State Superior Court, calling for Secretary of State, Sam Reed, to determine whether Obama is a citizen before Election Day, claiming the Hawaii birth certificate reveals neither the hospital where Obama was born nor a doctor's name the baby's footprint. The case was denied.

Rev. Tom Terry of Georgia appealed to the Georgia Supreme Court the day before the election to determine authenticity of Obama's original birth certificate and his qualifications to be president. Georgia Superior Court Judge Jerry W. Baxter denied Terry's request for an injunction against Secretary of State Karen Handel.

Author Jerome Corsi, who has written extensively about this case, traveled to Hawaii and Kenya. He learned that the Certification of Live Birth that the Obama campaign posted is, according to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, not the same as a Certificate of Live Birth, which authenticates Hawaiian birth.

Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro, has named two different Hawaii hospitals where Obama could have been born. In November 2004 she said he was born at Queens Medical Center in Honolulu, but in February 2008, she said he was born in the Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children. Before the election, the Internet site, WorldNetDaily, retained a private investigator in Hawaii to visit both hospitals, but he reported that sheriff's deputies were stationed at both hospitals to fend off inquiries.

Leo C. Donofrio a retired attorney, started a website and filed a suit in New Jersey on November 3, asking Secretary of State, Nina Mitchell Wells, for an emergency stay prohibiting Obama, Sen. McCain, and Socialist Worker’s Party candidate Roger Calero, from appearing on New Jersey's ballot, claiming all three are not “natural born citizens.” On Nov. 6, Supreme Court Justice David Souter denied Donofrio's application. But the case has now entered the docket of the U.S. Supreme Court and Justice Clarence Thomas has decided to send it to conference on December 5th! This means that only 10 days before the Electoral College votes, the nine Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court will meet privately to discuss Donofrio’s case.

Douglas J. Hagmann, director of, has reported that 17 lawsuits in 12 states are challenging the eligibility of Obama to become the next President of the United States.

Numerous activist groups have undertaken letter-writing campaigns to the Supreme Court Justices, members of the Electoral College, and elected officials, as well as sending urgent appeals to the White House and the Department of Justice.

Websites like Citizens for the United States Constitution, We The People, PeoplesPassion, America Must Know, and Faith2Action  have sprung up in passionate defense of our Constitution’s integrity. The last of these has even posted the names and addresses  of Electoral College members from each state, as well as an ad in The Washington Times.  

Dozens of petitions, like this one, have been circulated.

And dozens of mostly-conservative writers (including Devy Kidd and Miichelle Malkin), bloggers and journalists have written about his strange case and potential Constitutional crisis, as I have in a series of articles – here  and here and here and here.

Coverage of the above by the media: Zero.


It is no mystery that the leftist media have refused to mention this potentially looming Constitutional crisis in virtually all of their print and electronic coverage. Having shilled for Obama for the past two years – dismissing his longtime radical associations, obfuscating his radical voting record, and taking a pass at their jobs of vetting a presidential candidate –  their failure to cover the most explosive story of the 2008 campaign speaks volumes about collusion of the highest order.

Then there are the late-night comics, as well as snarky “humorists” like Bill Maher and Jon Stewart, who take pride in being irreverent and “outing” both people and subjects that others avoid. Not a word.

But what about the failure of the powerful conservative media – how to explain their total blackout of this story? Let’s look at their reactions:

Fox News: Total Silence. Did the healthy shares that Saudi Arabia bought of Fox influence the network’s non-coverage of this story? After all, it’s no secret which candidate the Saudis endorsed!  We know that TV shows, including Fox, are on a seven-second delay, the better to bleep out offensive or inappropriate material. Doesn’t it strike Fox viewers as strange that not one of their outspoken guests, even once, mentioned this story? Who warned them not to?

Rush Limbaugh: Total Silence. Why has the Excellence-in-Broadcasting’s “Dr. of Democracy” – the man who eats sacred cows for breakfast – not touched this story?

Mark Levin: Total Silence. Why has this popular radio host, commonly known as “the Great One,” abandoned his well-deserved reputation as a Constitutional scholar to studiously not address this Constitutional issue?

Laura Ingraham: Total Silence. Here is another radio powerhouse and former clerk to Justice Clarence Thomas taking pains not to mention this case…not a word!

Bill O’Reilly: Total Silence. Yes, the guy who claims he’s “just looking out for the folks”…voiceless!

Sean Hannity: Total Silence. The iconic radio and TV host who tackles every controversial subject under the sun…missing in action!  

I could go on and on, but you get the picture. The very people – the so-called loyal opposition – who should have been shouting this story from the rooftops for months on end went mute. Ordinarily they would be the first to tell you that our Republic has no more precious document than the U.S. Constitution – a document that set the stage for the greatest experiment in human freedom since the beginning of recorded history. People like me – and multi-millions of others – are aware of what happens when the “salami tactics” of tyrants are employed in the service of leftwing ideology.

First, there is a charismatic character promising “change” and “hope,” but who changes his tune once in power. Second there is a whittling down of the laws of the land and the arrogant dismissal of the documents on which the nation was founded. Third there is the blacking-out of all media that disagree with Dear Leader’s message. And fourth there is the rounding-up and incarceration – or worse – of all dissidents.

This is not theory. This is history. But while both left and right media thought it appropriate to comment at length about Obama’s seven-page for those seeking work in his administration – a probing that makes a Pap Test, Questionnaire mammogram, colonoscopy, and endoscopy in one visit seem mild by comparison – not one of these cowardly journalists has asked the simple question: Mr. Obama, where is your birth certificate?

Or were they not cowards but patriots?


I’ve written several books, not one of them fictional. And thousands of articles, not one of them based on sinister suspicions or conspiracy theories. But the case of the U.S. media’s complete non-coverage of this major story has gotten me to speculate on what – or who – may be behind this phenomenon. What force could be so powerful as to silence our country’s putative guardians of free speech – the titans of the Fourth Estate?

Perhaps the mystery goes back to 2004, when President Bush won his second term in office and in his first press conference in the White House said that he had "earned political capital and intended to spend it."

Then – suddenly and inexplicably – he went into a year-long hibernation. He rarely appeared in public and gave no major speeches. Finally he reemerged – albeit weakly – in late November or early December of 2005
Could it be that shortly after the president’s reelection, he and major government officials received highly credible evidence from America’s ruthless Islamist enemies that they had a number of devastating (probably nuclear suitcase) weapons – set up and ready to be activated in as many as six-to-10 of our major cities – unless he (the president) tacked left and played nice for the following two years?

Was America taken hostage?

The president, one could speculate, had only two choices: (1) play “chicken” and possibly sacrifice the lives of millions of Americans and the destruction of major American cities, or (2) opt for the lesser of two evils, the second being to pave the way for a dangerous Trojan Horse – qualified or not – to capture the White House.

Could it be that the media blackout of the most explosive story of any presidential election in American history has been choreographed by none other than the current POTUS – the most powerful man in the entire world? This would certainly explain why President Bush has not “been himself” since January 20, 2005.  It would also explain why the all-powerful media have taken his marching orders – including the New York Times, which takes particular pleasure in undermining and sabotaging the president, even when it comes to national security issues.

If this happened, it would have had to involve the highest echelon in our intelligence services, who might have paid personal visits to publishers throughout the United States, as well as to top TV and radio executives, who themselves would have passed down iron-clad orders – to their anchors, broadcasters, even comedians – to follow the blackout order or face Draconian consequences.

On November 4 – Election Day – the Dow was above 9,000. It is now plummeting, suggesting that even the “globalists” among us prefer tax cuts and capitalism to tax hikes and not creeping but galloping socialism – or what the esteemed Dr. Jack Wheeler insists is fascism. 

Buyers’ remorse is in the air. America has been hijacked. What a price we will pay if the Supreme Court and the Electoral College abandon their oaths to uphold the U.S. Constitution by capitulating – as the media have – to our enemies. God Save America!

About the author:
Joan Swirsky ( is a New York-based journalist and author who can be reached at
Last Updated ( Monday, 24 November 2008 )

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success
