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Joyce Sanders

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Re: How To Survive A Bad Ecomony (11/15/2008)
11/16/2008 1:33:16 PM
Great post, Darryl.  I think it is much easier to figure out what we were put here to do in the first place by adherring to The Ten Commandments.  If we did only that we would not have to worry about the rest.  We would also NOT need all of the millions of laws we have established! 


Nick Sym

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Re: How To Survive A Bad Ecomony (11/15/2008)
11/16/2008 4:31:41 PM
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Marion Tucker

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Re: How To Survive A Bad Ecomony (11/15/2008)
11/16/2008 6:46:58 PM
Hi Darryl,

Thank you for coming by!  We all have our purpose here no matter how young or old we are.  Even if it is just to comfort or be a blessing to others. 

Ants store up food and can carry heavy loads.  People store up more then food and worship material man made things which are all useless when we die.  Yes, money is important to survive but we can not take it with us at death.

Keep praying and I am sure God will answer your question. 

God Bless!
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Marion Tucker

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Re: How To Survive A Bad Ecomony (11/15/2008)
11/16/2008 6:50:36 PM
Hi Bev,

It is good to see you as well. 

I am happy you enjoyed the story and message here.  We have a choice.  We can either worship or worry and I chose to worship and leave it in God's hands. 

God Bless!
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Marion Tucker

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Re: How To Survive A Bad Ecomony (11/15/2008)
11/16/2008 7:04:38 PM
Hi Joyce,

Thanks for coming by and I hope you enjoyed the story. 

You are right, if everyone followed the Ten Commandments we would be in much better shape.  If everyone would accept Jesus Christ as their savior we would also be much better off.  If we all learned to trust in the Lord and not on our own understanding then we would not be worrying at all any more.  Since the beginning though people have sinned and broken the rules and in Moses time the first judges were appointed to help uphold the laws. 

May I suggest the book "Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren?  It may make things clearer for you and Darryl too.

God Bless!

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