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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Relationships
11/11/2008 11:58:26 PM
Thank you sister Pauline for that wonderful wisdom of knowledgeable words,  God_bless you and your family :)
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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Relationships
11/12/2008 12:09:35 AM
La Mia Stella! Un milione di baci me amore :) I dont know what i can say after your post Venerina, you left me without words to reply to your wonderful post amore mio, You siete la donna che piu bella ho visto mai. Prego! Hugs xx
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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Relationships
11/12/2008 4:12:39 PM

Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 1 John 4:11 (NIV)

Relationships are filled with both wonder and pain. When

I think of the pain of relationships, literally hundreds of

pictures flood into my mind from my 9 years as a priest:

· A couple on the verge of a divorce neither one wants yet both are choosing.

· Parents who can’t get through to their child, no matter how much time, money, and heartache they invest.

· A son whose dad has treated him with the cruel contempt of abuse.

· A friend whose feeling of betrayal is so deep that she never wants to trust anyone again.

When I consider the wonder of relationships, I am equally overwhelmed:

· A marriage no one thought could be restored — but it was.

· Friendships in a small group that have become the bedrock of life.

· A family that would surely fall apart when the pressure of an illness hit — and yet they all came together in the most amazing way.

When Jesus came to this earth, he demonstrated that he understands both the wonder and the pain of your relationships. He experienced them both.

He came to begin a new relationship with you — a relationship that will strengthen all your relationships. Here’s the truth Jesus taught us: Nothing is more important than relationships.

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Nick Sym

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Re: Relationships
11/13/2008 2:48:07 AM
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Thomas Richmond

15469 Posts
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Re: Relationships
11/13/2008 11:34:28 AM

Regarding life together and getting along with each other, you don’t need me to tell you what to do. You’re God-taught in these matters. Just love one another! 1 Thessalonians 4:9 (MSG)

I don’t remember the time or the place or the conference, but the question the moderator asked has stuck in my mind. What I recall most vividly is the answer that immediately flashed into my thoughts.

Here is the question: Suppose you’re in a rubber life raft with a friend. You’re approaching an island. The raft is leaking, and you are within sight of land. In the raft with you are a set of signal flares, a

week’s supply of canned food, and a five gallon container of

water. You must throw one of these items overboard if you’re

going to make it to the island. Which one do you choose?

I have to admit, the first answer that hit me was “the friend.”

Now don’t sit there with a pious “I’ve never thought anything like that” look! This silly thought that leaped into my mind was a reminder of how easy it is to value things over people. And who among us hasn’t struggled with that feeling?

Priorities become most important when we must make choices. If we had enough time to do everything, everything could be a priority.

But we don’t have enough time to do everything.

If we had the power to do every good thing we wanted to do, our choices wouldn’t be so important. But we can’t do every good thing we want to do.

When Jesus spoke about the priority of relationships, he could not have been clearer. He taught that relationships must be given the highest of values.  (H) God_bless you and your familys ...and your friends. Enjoy your day!  Prayerwarrior Thomas

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