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Trina Sonnenberg

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Bent But Not Broken
11/8/2008 11:28:58 AM
Broken Spirit
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg

There are those who walk among us whose only delight in life is to break the spirit of others. These people have no distinguishing marks to identify them by; they appear to be average people, but they are not. They seem to have the need to build themselves up, not by striving to be good people, but by tearing others down.

Evidence of this can be seen in the millions of women who are abused by their partners. Psychological abuse is the most devastating and the hardest to prove, but it is the most prevalent form of abuse being exercised on people today. The injury is not visable, like a bruise, but it is there, and the damage lasts much longer.

To damage one's psyche is to achieve control over that person. To convince a person that they have no value, or to doubt their own mind, is to achieve control. But what are the methods used to do this?

The abuser becomes the accuser. That is to say that the abuser will accuse their victim of perpetrating assaults on them. The abused is accused of committing the abuse. Typically, if the abuser is cheating, they accuse their victim of being the cheater, etc.. They wrap up all of their own faults and throw them onto their victim so that they can feel better about themselves. What is good for the gander is only good for the gander. 'I can cheat, you cannot. Or, I cheat because of you.'

This is another abuse tactic; 'You make me do the things that I do to you. If you would just be perfect, in my eyes, I would have no reason to act the way I do.'

Another psychological tactic is to keep the victim mentally off balance. Convincing them that they are crazy. This is done in many subversive ways. Abusers will act contrary to their own words, and then claim to have never said what they did. Or, they will take an action, then deny ever doing it, telling their victim things like: 'You're crazy! I never did that! You did that, or you said that, not me.'

This type of abuse is not limited to intimate relationships either. No, not by any means. It can occur in any setting; at work, in churches, and communities; really, any place where people have ongoing contact with one another. In its simplest form, it can be seen in slanderous remarks made by one person, or a group of people, against another. Gossip is a form of psychological abuse. The spreading of false information to change the opinions of others with regard to the victim. Just look at the last presidential campaign. It was fraught with the spreading of lies to change the opinions of a whole nation of people. This type of behavior is designed to make a person, pack up and quit, go home and wonder why they've become so unpopular, or how to repair the damage that has been done. It leaves the victim wondering why the source of the negativity hates them so much. Of course, in the presidential campaign, the answer is obvious; they want to win the election, but in private life, among communities of people, the answer is seldom so obvious.

Let us not forget that those who spread the rumors that they've heard are just as guilty as the person who made them up in the first place. Just because you've heard something doesn't make it true. The best course of action to take when a rumor has been passed on to you is to go to the subject of that rumor and ask them what their side of the story is.

These people, the abusers, are attempting to build themselves up by tearing down their victim. 'Look world! I am better than they are.' When they have no legitimate ammunition, they take their own behaviors and misconduct and accuse their victim of those deeds. It is my opinion that this goes on because the abuser is wrapped up in jealousy; jealousy of their victim. They wish they could be more like them, and since they lack the capacity to honestly emulate them, they trash them instead.

I have been a victim of these types of assaults from within my own community. I know who my abusers are. And, I have finally come to know why they have chosen me as their victim. That gives me power.

They have gone on the war path against me because I am the opposite of what they are. Because I stand up for injustice; because I am not afraid to call a spade a spade, and have the courage of my convictions. I stand up for myself and others.

I have been the subject of many untruthful blog posts, local gossip, and have received threats in my email and private messenger. Just this morning I received an email from someone I do not even know, calling me a liar and a fraud. Yesterday I received a private message telling me that my husband is a crook, and that I am a liar. I was also informed that I am being watched. These people are trying to silence me. They want to scare me into keeping quiet about a truth they do not want anyone else to hear. So, they've made their sins mine.

The thing that these people don't seem to realize is that my years as a domestic abuse victim, and survivor, have taught me how to deal with psychological abuse. I have learned to see it for what it is, and to not let it affect me in a way that would provide them their desired result.

I know who I am, and I like that person very much. Nothing that they can say or do will change that, and if others choose to believe the garbage being said about me, and to formulate their opinions based on lies, then I don't care. If someone is going to decide that I am a bad person without ever bothering to get to know me, then that is their loss, not mine.

The only real rub here is that since this negativity has been proliferated on the Internet, it has had a negative affect on my business, making my financial situation more dire than before. It has also had a negative affect on my husband's business locally. He used to be the busiest carpenter around, but now no one calls him. I would have the phone ringing all day long, with people looking to talk to him about doing work for them. Now the only phone calls that I receive are from my mortgage holders and other creditors because I can't pay my bills. So, if their intent was to ruin my financial situation, they've won, I guess, but they have not broken my spirit. They never will break my spirit.

Copyright © 2008
The Trii-Zine Ezine

About the Author:
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg
Publisher - The Trii-Zine Ezine - Your Trusted Source for Internet Business and Marketing Information. EST 2001. ISSN# 1555-2276

Author of: My Journey A Lifetime of Verse, ISBN: 978-0-61516405-2
Co-Owner: Internet Marketing Mavens
Keywords: psychological abuse, slander, domestic abuse, gossip

Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Jim Allen

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Re: Bent But Not Broken
11/8/2008 3:21:32 PM

Hello Trina,

Very interesting post indeed.  I sincerely hope you feel better and that from this point forward you will stop playing the role of victim. 

Once victims realize that they tend to put themselves in a position to be victimized, they usually learn a great lesson. 

Only time will tell.


Jim Allen III

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Trina Sonnenberg

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Re: Bent But Not Broken
11/9/2008 6:35:05 AM
I am not a victim; I am a survivor.

Enlighten me: what do you know about being a victim?

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. I have survived much and have great strength.

I will not be broken.

Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Jim Allen

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Re: Bent But Not Broken
11/9/2008 8:52:09 AM

Hello Trina,

Most everyone has been a victim at one time or other.  We all face challenges and learn to work through them.  I refuse to answer your challenging tone so I cannot be victimized by the weak. 

I can say that your most recent post shows you have grown.  Bravo!  Seek solutions to your challenges instead of asking why must I face them is very good position to be coming from.

Good Sunday to you,


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Trina Sonnenberg

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Re: Bent But Not Broken
11/9/2008 10:47:04 AM
Jim, I am sorry that you are not up for a challenging question. I do not care much for your condescending tone, but I did respond. I grow each day, do you?
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276

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