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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Story of Ducks and Eagles
11/8/2008 11:13:49 AM
Hello Bertie!

Thanks for the invitation. I had to come over here to find the rest of the tale.

It was worth it.

I'm rather quackers but I'm soaring, soaring soaring. I don't intend to stop, although like Sara and Branka, I still have my connections with the ducks. I raised some baby ducks once, when their mother abandoned them. They were lovely.

I guess the ducks bring us back down to earth, but that doesn't stop us from being eagles.

Great story.

Now, I'm going to be imagining evey complaining about their lot person as quacking. Will I be able to keep a straight face? I wonder how they'll react if I quack at them!!!

Angel cuddles,

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Re: Story of Ducks and Eagles
11/8/2008 11:24:48 AM

Sarah, after seeing your post, I have been 'quacking'/laughing!!  Thank you.  Just had to post this one.

Now we have a face for all us quackers!!

Hugs and Laughs,



Jim Allen

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Re: Story of Ducks and Eagles
11/8/2008 11:25:38 AM

Hello Bertie,

Thank you for your invitation to become friends and I am happy to accept.  Thanks also for this very telling story. 

The "Change" this man made was on a personal level and has worked for anyone willing to embrace and apply the concept.  Something we only see in Eagles.

Eagles are adaptable, all one needs to do is look for them and they are there.  The proof is just down the road from my home here in Florida, in an urban area they find ways to proliferate and grow their families.

Always Happy to Make New Friends and I believe we shall be. 


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Story of Ducks and Eagles
11/8/2008 12:24:43 PM
Hello Bertie,

Thank you for your invitation of friendship. 

I would like to wish you a very warm welcome to AdlandPro and also
thank you for sharing such an inspiring story

Kind regards
Re: Story of Ducks and Eagles
11/8/2008 12:41:26 PM
Hi Angel
Short and sweet. I did the same thing when I heard the story.
Bertie Bertie Birchfield

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